Part 11 "You Send Me"

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I ran off to class followed by Olivia.
Today was going to be a our very first practice including Justine. I was excited to see how it'll turn out. Olivia was going to be our lead singer, Damon will play guitar, Justine on the bass and I was going to play the drums.

"Miss Thomas and Miss McDowell" the teacher said taking a look at us. "You're late"
We both excused ourselves and headed to our seats in silence.
This was one of the few classes that we shared so we sat together in the back. I noticed Alex right in front of us. He didn't seem to pay much attention, he was scribbling down on his book and would occasionally glimpse at us but notheless he wasn't pleased with me turning him down.
"What did he want yesterday anyway?" Olivia asked quietly pretending to be reading her notes.
"It was nothing" I pretended to be paying attention to the class but my mind was racing up with thoughts and different scenarios.
I still haven't told Oliva about the kiss with Damon. I planned on doing so but I haven't had the courage.
The class finally ended and Olivia left to see Liam, leaving me behind. I walked through the corridor as Alex approached walking next to me.
I tried to ignore him but he easily grabbed my backpack taking it off my shoulders and carrying it himself. I looked down not wanting to face him but he opened his mouth.
"You're not going to thank me for carrying your bag for you?" he smirked reaching out for my hand. I pulled away still silent refusing to look at him.
I started to walk slowly hoping he just would give up and leave but he didn't.
"What do you want?" I gave up crossing my arms in front of my chest and facing him. His hair was almost covering his eyes and he smiled widely at me.
"You know what I want" he said making me roll my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to play games today.
"I don't, and may you please give me my bag back? I gotta find Damon"
Alex's smiled dissappeared as I mentioned Damon.
He took the bag off his back and pulled it back to my arm.
"Thank you" I said pointing at his head."You need a haircut"
Alex let out a laugh as I began walking again heading to the practice room. I finally got there. Damon and Olivia were already inside.

"Hello" I greeted entering the room. Damon was sitting on a chair taking bites of his sandwich. He smiled when he caught my eye making me just a little nervous. I chose to ignore my thoughts as Olivia pulled out a cigarette offering me one.

"Did you hear that we've got to come up with a name for the band?" Olivia said bringing a cigarette to her mouth.
We haven't thought about that much, we didn't think it was important but it was a requirement to sign up.
"Got any ideas?" I asked back.
"Les Scarabées" Olivia joked knowing I was a massive fan of The Beatles.
"That doesn't sound that bad" Damon laughed.
Olivia wanted a name in french so Damon and I agreed she would chose the name. Besides we didn't plan to carry on with the band after the competition.
"La tempête!" Olivia finished giving us a smile.
"The Storm" Damon translated looking at me. He had taken french and he liked to pretend to be fluent.
"I like it" I said as Olivia excitingly wrote it down on my notebook.
"Perfect" she smiled proudly.
"Liam's band is getting ready too they convinced Noel to join" she continued.
"This should be fun then" Damon said "A healthy and honest competition against the biggest knobheads of the school" he finished making Olivia laugh. It sure was a joke but there was some truth behind it.
"Graham is going to be such a pain in the arse if he wins" I admitted rolling my eyes at the thought. I knew he wanted to win badly, even Alex and Dave began making propaganda around the school. 
"Thank God we found a bass player" I said in a tone of relief.
"Justine is brilliant you guys will love her" Olivia said.
We waited there for Justine while Damon organized the set-up. I helped him connect the microphone while he tried the sound system.
When we were done we sat there waiting she was about 15 minutes late but we managed to get some work done.
"I'm sorry" Justine finally appeared, her dark makeup enchanced her strong features and her black wardrobe completed the look.
"It's okay we were just starting" Damon said putting down his guitar.
"Do you need help with that?" he asked pointing at her bass and a box she was carrying.
"Well yes, thank you" she smiled handing the box to Damon, he put it on a table aside.

Justine incorporated herself well in almost any situation. She was not shy to make corrections to our rehearsal.
Olivia who had been practicing even beforehand decided to take a little break half an hour in the practice. Leaving Justine, Damon and I alone.
I noticed how she kept looking at Damon. Both of them were in front of me with their instruments and I was sat in the back of my drumkit.
Justine began chatting with Damon, I couldn't quite hear what they were saying but Damon would laugh occasionally as she took a step closer to him. I couldn't help but to feel a little uncomfortable. I chose to give it a rest and ignore them.
I stood up and walked out of the room in direction to the bathroom. Maybe I just needed to splash my face with a little water to feel better.
"I'm starting to think bumpin into you it's not a coincidence anymore" I admitted looking at Alex. He shrugged his shoulders looking down at his feet.
"You caught me" he flipped his hair slightly looking me in the face. I crossed my arms in impatience as he tried to find the perfect words to say.
"I want to warn you about Justine, she fancies Damon" Alex said as a little smile formed on his lips. I frowned at his words embarrassed to show any emotion. I wanted to act like I didn't care so maybe I could start believing that myself.
"Why do you think that I care?" I said confronting him. He smirked.
"I just want to see what you do with that information".
I walked away from Alex now returning to the practice room. He was such a knob if he thought that would affect me. I finally arrived to find Damon and Justice sitting together sharing a smoke.
"Whatever" I thought to myself sitting back in my place behind the drums. Olivia got back in seconds and we kept going for about 2 more hours. After the practice we decided to go hang out in my dorm. Just Olivia, Damon and I.
"Brilliant wasn't she?" Olivia proudly asked us. I nodded as well as Damon.
"She's really funny" Damon added.
She had actually been amazing I was convinced we were the going to win.
"With your vocals this will be a victory" I smiled at Olivia. She wouldn't take any credit for her immense talent.
"We probably need a bit more inspiration..." Olivia insinuated pointing at my closet. I let out a big laugh setting my eyes on Damon. He got up the bed and walked towards the closet opening it and sticking his hand inside to find the tiny foiled box.
It had been months and we never had a good excuse to use it. Until now.
if you're reading this i love you :)

𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙊𝙏𝙔𝙋𝙀𝙎  (damon albarn x reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora