Part 9 "Bad Day"

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I opened my eyes in frustration as the cold hit my bare back. Turning around to see that Alex had pulled the covers from me all to himself. I annoyingly stood up putting on a t shirt from the floor and heading to the shower. In a few minutes I was ready to head out until I felt his arms wrapping around me.
"Morning babe" the words escaped lazily out of his mouth pulling me closer to him.
"Babe?" I thought without noticing I had said it out loud.
Alex dragged me back to the bed starting to kiss my neck I couldn't let this continue.
"Alex" I tried to get out of his arms when we heard the door.

We froze in complete silence, Olivia would usually come by so we could walk together before class.
"Put your clothes on quick" I whispered heading to the door. I opened it once Alex's was fully clothed, for a second I considered hiding him into the bathroon but it didn't seem appropriate.
"Ohhh" Olivia walked in staring at both of us as the awkward silence filled the room.
"Had fun last night I see"
Alex let out a laughter and I felt my cheeks burn. This was by far the most embarrassing moment I had encountered.
"Let's just go please" I headed out trying to hide my embarrassment. It didn't make it any better since Damon was on the hall waiting for us.
My heart raced as I looked at Olivia in complete panic. She didn't seem to get what was the problem which was understandable because I didn't know it either.

"Morning " I said to Damon his smile vanished as he saw Alex closing the door of my room.
"Hey" he replied pulling out his hand to shake Alex's. I stood there in silence for what seemed like hours. "Well what are we waiting for? We will be late" Olivia said holding Damon by his arm leaving Alex and I behind.
"About last night" I started not really knowing what to say. I was mostly confused.
"It was incredible" Alex said looking down to his feet as we slowed our pace. "But I understand you don't want your friends to know" he admitted making me even more nervous.
"That shouldn't had happened" I said looking at him. His face was so hard to read, I couldn't tell if he was mad.
"You know Jenny you already gave in" he walked away before I could even say a word.

I went through my classes regularly, the few ones I shared with Alex were different as he didn't sit close to me anymore. He would give me a few looks throughout the class though.
I had a feeling that he wouldn't give me up so easily.

Lunch time had arrived I looked for Damon and Olivia.
"Hello" I said sitting in front of them.
Olivia smiled at me while Damon said an almost inaudible "Hey"
Seeing Damon so quiet was strange. He was normally extremely hyper. I looked at Olivia, she shrugged her shoulders not being sure what was happening with Damon. We spoke about school while Damon seemed uninterested.
"There's this band competition in a couple of weeks" Olivia mentioned trying to maybe get Damon engaged into our conversation.
"Oh really? " I hoped Damon would just say something.
"Yeah Liam is looking forward to it, he wants to start a band" she proudly said.
"Liam? In a band?" Damon finally spoke in a mocking tone. "He can barely play an instrument"
Olivia laughed. "He will be the singer I suppose" she explained.
"We could do a better band" I joked grinning at Olivia.
"That actually doesn't sound like a terrible idea" she replied.
Damon looked at us with a spark of curiosity.
"Olivia you'd make a great singer, Jenny you could play drums, me on the guitar or the keyboard" he paused "We still need more people though, a proper band needs at least four"
We sat in silence trying to come up with the new member.
"I can't really think of anyone" I gave up.
We finished our lunch in disappointment since creating a band sounded like a much greater task. Maybe we would come up with someone eventually.

Olivia left to find Liam quickly after, leaving me with a silent Damon as we walked through the corridors.
"Damon you've been acting so strange, what's the matter?"
"Nothing important" he answered putting his hands in his pockets. The cold was starting to brush in again.
"I've known you my entire life Damon" I tried to get him to look at me in the eyes.
"I'm upset I'm taking things a bit too seriously" he admitted.
"Oh Damon" I pulled him into a hug hiding my face in his neck, we stayed there for a few seconds until someone interrupted us.
"You can't really get enough, can you Jenny?" Graham laughed at me.
"You just shagged Alex and you're already running back to Albarn" he mocked. Alex had told him about it then, I don't know why I expected him to keep it a secret.

Damon didn't think twice to throw a fist at Graham but I pulled him by his shirt.
"Wait Damon" I held him back.
"You mad they stole your girlfriend?" he kept on going.
"This isn't worth it". I literally dragged Damon away sitting on the benches in front of the school.
"He knows I don't like it when it's about you, a bunch of crap either way" he mumbled.
I tried to not feel upset about Alex telling Graham but it, but it had definitely angered me.
"Are you alright?" Damon pulled his arm around me.
"Yeah yeah" I brushed it off enjoying the time spent with my best friend.
We stayed there for a couple of minutes before the last lesson.
"Here you are! I've been looking for you" Olivia grinned sitting between us.
"Well if you hadn't left us for Gallagher you wouldn't have to look for us" Damon joked.
"C'mon Damon. He is finally accepting our friendship" she pulled him into a hug. "I can't just hang out with you and Jenny he would go nuts!"
I raised my eyebrow at how she had achieved Liam to stop being jealous at Damon. Olivia was considerably affectionate towards her friends and Liam was the opposite, possessive, jealous and angry.
"Good thing Liam approved" I sarcastically added.
"Yeah because I told him you lot were a couple" she finished. I turned my face around so they couldn't see how red it had turned. Olivia began to laugh but she probably wasn't joking.

Later that night I was listening to 'A Hard Day's Night' one of my favorite albums of all time while Olivia made herself comfortable in the extra bed. We had decided that she would stay tonight to make me company and assure that Alex wouldn't come by.

"So that's what happened?" she asked tucking under the covers as the room was freezing cold by the night.
"Yeah, God I feel so stupid" I admitted. Being vulnerable with Olivia was so easy.
"Are you sure you don't like Alex in that way?"
"No, it's complicated" I struggled to find the right words to describe what I was feeling.
"He's been really sweet but he's extremely cocky" I let out a laugh making Olivia burst in laughter as well.
"Sounds like my boyfriend actually" she said "Without the sweetness"
We both joked about how Liam was like a grumpy cat and Alex a foolish dog.
"And what is Damon?" she asked in between laughs.
"I dunno? A rat?"
This was by farest the stupidest sober conversation I've had.
"Jenny" Olivia spoke once our laugh had ceased. "Damon asked me if you liked Alex"
"Did he? What did you say?"
"Well I told him you weren't fully sure" she stated. "I suppose that's why he was being so weird today"
I couldn't help but to wonder why he had asked Jenny and not me directly. We were best friends and we could talk about anything. Did he not trust me?

"I would never seriously like Alex" I said turning the lights off as it was 1 in the morning and we had school.
"That's not what I thought this morning"
"Piss off Oli"
I threw a pillow at her.
"I'm just messing around" she laughed throwing it back at me.

We soon fell asleep.

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