Part 7 "Far Out"

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"I think I'll breakup with Liam" Olivia started speaking after a few moments of silence. We were in my room, Damon was messing with the guitar and I was trying to finish a paper for English.
"That isn't a bad idea" Damon said looking at Olivia. He couldn't quite hide the fact that he disliked him.
"What should I do?" Olivia looked desperate and confused.
Too bad she was asking for advice of two single and unexperienced people.
"My sister had a boyfriend of four years and they recently split" I said still don't taking the eyes off my paper.
"You're so helpful Jenny" Damon laughed. Olivia just rolled her eyes and left to find Liam.
The three of us had been doing everything in our power to save our semester and of course Damon had finished his detention time.
We tried to not bring any more attention to ourselves. Nonetheless Damon found it very impossible to ignore Graham's teasing and almost got into a fight with him a couple of days ago. Hopefully Olivia had stopped him.
I couldn't complain, we had gotten away with stealing and hiding drugs. The filthy weed package was now in my closet waiting for the day we would be bored enough to open it.
Things with Alex had become a little bit awkward since we kissed. I didn't mention it again and I think he would rather act like it didn't happen.

"Are you done yet?" Damon asked putting down the guitar. I shook my head and continued writing, I couldn't go another day without finishing it. It took me off guard when I heard Damon opening the closet door.
"You know that's private right?" I muttered in annoyance.
"Yes, but you've got something that's mine too" he said looking at me and closing one of his eyes in a smirky wink.
"You're unbelievable" I said. He shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm not letting you open it, Olivia's not here" I continued.
"Oh Jenny it's not like I'll use it all" Damon responded digging his hands through the pile of unorganized clothes.
"I said no Damon " I stood up and stepped to the closet putting myself infront of it blocking Damon's access.
"Can you just wait until Olivia comes back?" I asked looking at him. He gave me a look a dog would give to his owner in hopes for a treat.
"If I let you have some would you let me finish my paper?" I finally gave in.
"I knew you were going to let me" he grinned now getting to the bottom of all my mess and pulling the package out.
It was about 20 grams, a big amount and on top of that we had no experience.
"Now what?" I asked him holding the package in my hands. It wasn't so big but it wasn't small either. About the size of both of my hands. Wrapped up like a sandwich in a paper bag and then plastic. Not suspicious at all, I sarcastically thought poking fun at Graham's amateur ways to handle this stuff.
"How much did you take last time?" he asked looking at me. I was completely clueless trying to make memory of the event.

"You mean the first and only time in my entire life?" I emplied.
"You've got a point" Damon admitted taking the package off my hands and putting it back in the closet.

"You know who knows all of that?" I asked thinking about Noel. He was the only other person there who wasn't extremely close to Graham.
"Who?" Damon curiosity sparkled.
"Oh you won't like this mate" I laughed "Liam's brother."
"I would rather get high with my grandma before that knobhead" Damon scoffed.
"There's no other way really" I said.
"Let's pray Olivia hasn't dumped Liam then" he mocked. I laughed with him as I was heading back to my seat.
In a couple of minutes later I was finished with the work. Damon had fallen asleep on the side bed. It was 3pm when Olivia had come back.
We were considering moving her  with me since she didn't like her roommate but it was unsure.

"How did it go?" I immediately asked as she walked in with a wide smile. Damon yawned waking up from his nap to listen to Olivia.
"Liam is going to stop talking to Claire Davis forever" she said trying to explain the solution to the problems of their relationship.
I didn't agree with any of it but I was rather supportive. Damon on the other hand insulted Liam for being such a shite boyfriend.
"Oli you know we will always be here for you and if Liam does something stupid again don't hesitate on telling us" Damon said. I nodded, at least she seemed to be okay.
"Of course I will" she said pulling out a cigarette out of her jacket along with a lighter.
"Oh and we are going out tonight" she continued.
"Where are we going?" I asked. "We never get invited anywhere"
"Now you do" Olivia stated.
Being friends with Olivia somehow made us socialize more than before.
"Sounds good to me" Damon said.
"Yeah we're leaving at 6" she told us. Damon left leaving Olivia and I to get ready.
"For how long have you been friends with Damon?" she asked.
"Ever since I can remember" I laughed, it was always Damon and I.
"And when did you start to like him?" she threw the bomb. I wasn't expecting such a question from her.
"Uh I don't know?" I started.
"I mean I don't, he's my best friend he's like family" I finished looking at her.
"Yeah sure" she teased.
I just didn't want to admit that to another person.
"Listen, he's really not more than that" I said.
"Oh so it's Alex?" she said picking up interest in my love life. My cheeks burnt remembering the kiss.
"I knew it" she ended. I didn't say a single word. But she took my silence as an answer.
"I think I still need to makeup my mind about Alex" I said. "He being a  close friend to Graham makes it so hard to even consider dating him"
Olivia nodded walking to my closet. "What will you wear?" she asked.
I went and picked a black skirt and a blue sweater.
"I'm going to get changed and then we will meet up" Olivia said before walking out the door.

I got ready and waited for Olivia. Tonight was going to be special.

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