Chapter 29 -- Snowing And Mumbling

385 14 1

26. October 2020


Just remember.

I'm watching you.

I will always know where you are and what you decide.

Choose your moves carefully.


These strange dreams won't stop. 

I've had way too many sleepless nights because of them. And I'm tired.

I should be worried, even panic. But how do you do that when you have such a hard time even standing. I probably even look awful, not that I know. I don't even remember the last time I've seen myself.

Someone shoved a hot cocoa to my hand. Just before someone let out a painfully loud scream and everyone ran to the nearest window. I was close to spill the whole thing on myself. 

"It's snowing!"  Vince squaled.

I stared blankly at the group that was slowly gathering more people. 

It's not that interesting, I thought and took a sip of the cocoa immediately regretting it. How lovely, I burned my tongue.

I probably deserved it. 

"Cia! Come look!" Emily called. Apparently she had gotten the best places just by the small window with Penny. Some had been so excited that they went straight outside.

"Nah, I'm good here" I frowned.

"Why?? Ciara it's snowing for the first time ever!!" Vince seemed to try not to just jump through the window.

"Yeah, I just happened to see it last year" I explained. "Oh! And also about 21 times before that. Wasn't that interesting anyway, so I don't really care to bother"

He seemed to give up and actually decided that door would be a clever idea to get out than a window. If I hadn't been fighting with literally everyone I came across, I would probably feel bad for him. 

I went for another sip, and burned my tongue again. The cup happened to end up by the furthest corner of the table. I slightly glared at it and quickly made my way to the sink to save my poor tongue. 

"Why aren't you there?" Someone asked. They were probably talking to someone else, I don't think anyone actually would really want to talk to me.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" They continued. Has someone zoned out? Or died? I swifted around and nearly fell from schock.

"Whoa! You look awful!" They gasped. It was Sebastian, way too close to my comfort zone. "So, now you decide to talk" I commented and took few steps back, brushing off the nice compliment he had just thrown in my face. 

"What do you mean I'm talking?" 

"You didn't say a thing at the spirit's eve" I scolded. 

"I was supposed to? You thought I'd be on her side?"

"That's a stupid question" I slammed the table."She's your girlfriend, I punched her. She told you bad things about me. Of course you'd trust her!"

"This is ridiculous" He whisper shouted.

"You're ridiculous!" I protested. "I'm supposed to be the bad guy here and you go and just.. are weird!"

"Are you drunk or something?"

"No, I'm not!"  

I glared at him and he did the same back. What is wrong with him? I'm a horrible person who's lost a pendant and is now directing all their anger to a complete weirdo.

I don't even know if he deserves it or not.

I'll decide it later on.

"I've seen you with the trio. If you always act like that you're definitely a sucky boyfriend" I spat.

"How are you supposed to know what I am"

"Oh I definitely know what you are" I mocked. "You're a selfish, selfish person who doesn't care about anyone else than yourself"

"That's pretty rich even from you"

"Excuse me?"

I noticed that the whole situation had turned into a whole scene, and decided to just leave it be. No one fortunately saw or heard us, and it would be foolish to continue and make even bigger mess. 

Not without throwing him the meanest deathglare I could, I turned to take my things and leave. Even tho I had already reached to the kitchen's exit, I heard Sebastian mumble:

"Don't go and just assume things are like you imagine them. You don't know anything what's going on"


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