Chapter 12 -- They're Watching

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19. July 2020


The letter system here is actually pretty funny. Everyone in the city just used phones to contact people. In here, they send letters and talk to people face to face.

I had got two letters this morning. One was from Sam, and the other from mum.

I have my old phone in the cottage, but don't actually use it to anything. Mum knows that people use letters here, so looks like she has desided to try it too.

The letter didn't have anything important information, just how they have been doing since I left. There even was a small drawing at the back, probably Lily's. It was us, me, mum and Lily on a grass field.

I miss them so much.

Sam's letter was about the Community Center. Looks like they found out that the door is now unlocked, and they had desided to go and 'explore' it. And apparently they want me to come with them. They totally do.


But I'll still go. Why not.


It said to meet them there a bit after noon. And when I came, they were already there. Well, Sam was at the door and I guess the other two were already inside.

"Farm girl! Come, quick before anyone sees that we're here"

I ran inside and Sam closed the door behind me.

"This place is awesome, there's an old vault and even some kind of cellar"

Yeah, I know. Have they seen the apple yet? Or can they even see it? At least it disappeared when Lewis turned to watch what I had seen.

"Oh, you came" Abigail said when she noticed me.

"Yeah, I did. I'll go walk around, see what's in here"

I know exactly what's in here, I just want to see if I can find anything else about the wierd writing.

I went to the empty room, and the golden scroll was still there. Should I hide it? The text was as impossible to read as last time, so that doesn't help. It's wierd, that everything else except the scroll is covered by dust.

I heard a small blob sound, and the green apple appeared in front of me. It jumped few times, and then another blob was heard. A yellow apple appeared next to the green one. Wait, apples aren't yellow. Nor alive.

Third one came, a green one. How many are they?


They started jumping and waving. Scary little creatures. They're actually really cute, when you think about it. After a moment, there were about 10 of them. Everyone with their own colour; few were blue, few orange, even pink.

They all watched me sitting in front of them. None of them said anything, just jumped and waived. They're adorable.

One of them jumped on my lap and started jumping. It feels wierd, it's really soft, but at the same time really strange. It reached it's hands to my neck and- is it trying to choke me?

It didn't. It slided it's hands around the fairy necklace I've been wearing since I got here and actually succeeded to take it off.

"Hey! Give it back! You can't take it" I whisper-shouted. I didn't want others to hear me, but I'm so not going to let that take away from me. Nope.

I was just about to get it when suddenly all of them vanished and the pendant fell on the floor. Where did they go? Why did they leave? At least I got the pendant back.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked.

As a reflect, I turned quickly to notice that it was Sebastian. Did he see them, or did they vanish 'cause he came in?

"I just dropped something. It's nothing important" I said, taking the pendant and placing it back around my neck.He looked like he didn't really believe me, but thankfully let it go when Sam and Abigail came into the room.

"I bought us something to drink" Sam said, and handed each one can of JojaCola. Ew.

I frowned a bit at it. But looks like no one noticed it, which is good. I'd literally do anything just to not drink that trash.

I just quickly hid the golden scroll under one of the missing planks on the ground and followed others to the main hall.

"Have we already told you that we've started a band?" Sam asked out of nowhere.

"No way. Really?"

"Yeah, I sing and play guitar, Seb plays piano and Abby is our drummer"

"We're trying to get a show in Zuzu City"

"Can I come?"

"Of course!"

Abigail frowned a bit, but I desided to ignore it.

She clearly doesn't want me to come.


They had somehow managed to get enough power to the building so they can play video games. I have no idea how they did it, but they're now playing and drinking that trash.

Abigail stayed the whole time near Seb. Maybe a little bit too near. I mean, at least I would be uncomfortable with someone attached to you all the time. I didn't comment about it cause first, it really isn't my problem and second, I had other problems to deal with.

I had had the whole time a strange feeling that I was being watched, and the more I became aware of it, the more jumpy I became to small sounds and cracks.

I found a pair of small eyes, then two of them, three, four..

Oh dear.

They're watching. There's even more of them now. The ten creatures that appeared earlier were only the bravest ones.

Why do they stare at me like that? What do they want? Have they been watching me since I came in town, or just now?

"What are you looking at?"


"It's your turn"


It had turned a bit dark, so I had desided to go to the cottage. But guess who followed me.

I noticed them everywhere, in the trees, behind rocks and fences. Everywhere. Small eyes were hiding at every corner.

"Ok, why are you following me?"

No answer.

"You're adorable and everything but this is starting to get a bit creepy"


"Answer me!"

Can they talk? If anyone was now near, they'd think I'm mental. And that's probably true. I see little apple creatures staring at me that no one else can.

Yeah, I'm really going mad.


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