Chapter 18 -- Lunaloos

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18. August 2020


Today's the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, and the whole town has been overwhelmingly excited - including me.

I'm not supposed to go to the beach before the sun sets. I don't know why. They're probably decorating the place or something, but when I asked if I could help in any way, they just kicked me out.

It was a long day.

I had literally nothing to do. I already watered everything, fed Cap, cleaned the house, everything I could've thought of. Sam was hanging out with the lovely 'couple', just watching them together makes me want to puke.

Penny and Emily were helping at the beach, why on earth was I kicked out?! 

I ended up laying on the stairs in front of the cottage's door for the whole day. At least Cap liked it, he happily came and sleeped next to me.


After many painfully long hours on floor it finally got dark. Well, at least hopefully dark enough.

I mean, I can't wait forever can I?

I literally half ran to the beach and it probably wasn't that good idea. I was fully out of breath by the time I got there and had to stop for a minute to catch it back.

The area was beautiful. The beach itself wasn't decorated with anything special, but there were  dozens of candles on tiny wooden boats floating on the water. They all glowed warmly and every one of them gave light to the darkness.

Even tho the piers were full of the townspeople, it was nearly completely quiet. Everyone was watching at the distance as like waiting for something. Vince changed his place repeatedly and pointed excitedly at the water. So excitedly that Jodi had to stop him from nearly falling into the water.

Lewis noticed me walking around on the piers and motioned me to come closer. 

"Nice to see that you've desided to join us"

"Of course I did"

"The Moonlight Jellies are close, I saw a glow in the distance. Once we launch the boat they'll come up to say hello"

He pointed at the small boat that was floating on the water like all the others. This one was slightly bigger and it glew just a bit ore than the other ones.

I sat down at the most dry place I could've found on the pier and watched at the distance. It reminds me a bit of the day when I came here under the rain. Listening at the light waves hitting the piers. 

I turned to look around what the others were doing.

Everyone was sitting around in small groups, Maru had went to sit with the local doctor, Harvey. Maru usually works at the hospitals few times a week to help him with all the work that has to be done.

I'm surprised that Sam wasn't with the other two, he was sitting and joking around with Penny. Haley was with Alex, and the older couples were hanging around too.

Is it normal that I'm suddenly feeling bit lonely? It definitely doesn't help at all how romantically the candles were all glowing equally. At least I've got a dog, I should've gotten him here with me.

What stuck out the most for me was the happy couple leaning on each other. Thankfully they were sitting on other pier, I probably wouldn't have survived if they were any closer.


Lewis bend down and launched the boat. We all watched it make it's way towards the horizon.

A moment later a blue glow appeared. It grew bigger and bigger by minute until it stopped just by the piers. The glow came out of a Jellyfish, it was completely white even tho it glew blue. It was quickly followed by other one, looking exactly same like the first one.

After that more of them started to come. Different sized and shaped jellyfishes, all dancing in their own glow. Each of them is unique in their own tiny ways.

It's really strange. 

As though they were some way attracted to the light. 

One jellyfish came to swim just under my feet. Even tho all of them looked absolutely magical, this one was like from entirely different world.

Instead of white and round, it glew green and looked a bit like a flower.

Absolutely beautiful flower.

I noticed that as the others danced together

This one danced alone.


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