Chapter 5 -- Saloon

685 24 1

6. September 2020


The Saloon's wooden door opened with a small squeak, and I was quickly surrounded by warm light.

The place was surprisingly cozy, wooden tables with padded chairs were standing all around a long counter. The warm light came out from the few old oil lamps sitting on tables, and someone was kneeling down by a huge fireplace. Probably trying to lit it up.

I noticed Lewis sitting by one of the tablets, chatting with a green coated lady. She looked nice, she kept her hair on a braid over her shoulder and Lewis seemed to enjoy her company.

"Ah, the new farmer!" A yellow shirted man said from behind the counter. "Come in, come in!" He motioned me to come closer with huge hand movements.

The Saloon, which had just been full of loud gabbling grew completely quiet. You could clearly even hear a pin drop.

And every single eye was on me. Made sure they saw my every move. Wouldn't be surprised if someone even had a notebook with them.

I tried to get everything together and hide the nervousness that annoyingly made walking much more complicated that it had just been 15 minutes ago. I still somehow succeeded to ramble to the counter and smile sheepishly to the man.

I probably looked like an idiot.

He thankfully smiled back. "The name's Gus by the way" He offered his hand, and I gladly shook it. At least something I can do. "You're the little Ciara that used to come here with your grandpa, eh?. Welcome back to the Stardrop Saloon!"

I used to go here? I don't remember I'd ever even seen this place.

Gus asked something about drinks, and started to pour something to a huge, clean glass. I tried to look as careless as I could and took one of the red padded chairs.

I noticed that people started to slowly get back to their conversations, but still felt few people burning holes on my back. I probably need a new shirt.

Emily was hovering around behind Gus, handing drinks to a blue jacked guy. Exactly the one who didn't apparently really like my presence. Well, he looked like he didn't like anyone's presence.

"Hey, Emily!"

"Oh, hi! You actually came?" She joked and handed another cup to a gray bearded old guy. He already had a good line of empty cups laying around, and I just couldn't stop thinking how much more he could stand before passing out.

Gus happily dropped the glass in front of me and said;"It's on the house"

Hah, guess what. I really appreciate it, but I. Don't. Drink.

What am I going to do with this? I mean, I can't just pour it away. 

I took the glass and thanked Gus. It didn't take long till both of them got a hand full of more orders. I slightly tapped the drunk guy's shoulder and quietly offered him the drink. He gladly took it and I carefully sneaked to the other part of the saloon.

There was another room, which was luckily out of sight from the counter. There were few gaming machines and two old couches laying by one further corner. Three people were playing around a huge pool table, thankfully they were way too busy with the game not to notice me walking past.

I took the opportunity and sat down to one of the couches with a thump. There were two boys, other had a black hair that was longer on the other side. The other was blonde, and somehow managed to get his hair stay up. Maybe Pierre sells some kind's of hair gels.

The girl was different, bright purple hair, and a blue jacket. She looked like she was kicking the blondie's butt at the game, or the blondie just sucked.

The game ended, and the purple girl won. The boy's were just about to start a new round, when the blondie took a glance at me. Then another, and then 2 minutes of silence until it finally seemed to sink in.

"Oh my dear sweet Yoba!" He looked way too excited to only see me. I'm not that important."Are you the Farm Girl?"

Hah, and guess what. Out of every freaking place, HERE was absolutely perfect place to start to ramble."Yeah. Well, kinda"

Kinda?! Really?

"I'm Sam" He pointed at him self. "That's Abby and Seb"

"Sam, come on!" The purple girl cried. "How many times have I told you not to introduce me to people like that?"

"It's Abigail, 'Seb' is short from Sebastian" The purple haired said, turning to me.

"Wanna play a round?" Sam asked, offering one of the playing sticks laying by one corner.




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