Chapter 26 -- Hidden

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9. October 2020


I'm so sorry if this story is boring..

It'll get more interesting soon

I promise...



A low voice called from the dark.

I couldn't move, even talk.

"I've been waiting for so long" The voice got louder.

"We'll meet soon, I promise"

"You can run, my dear. Run as long as you want I'll catch you eventually"

"But don't even try to hide"

"Nothing's ever hidden from me"


I felt a slight weight all over my body. Not a bad one, but more sticky and quite wet. A small pounding went across my head and didn't seem to stop.

I shot up when I realized what was going on. I was completely covered in leaves. What happened? Why aren't I at home? Where on earth am I?

I shook them off and stood up. The pounding started to turn into a light headache and I had no idea where I was. Trees and bushes everywhere. No pathways, nothing.

How did this even happen?

And why am I always waking up in weird places??

I chose one random direction and continued that way until I started to feel like I was just going further into the forest. I chose another way, and ended up with exactly same situation.

The headache got worse by minute, and I started to feel weird. I continued my way to completely different way, and ended up at an odd looking tower.

I'm saved!

Wait, no. I remember this.

It's the wizard's tower, isn't it? No way I'm going there. He'll just put me to drink more of that slimy thing.

I know the way to home from the tower, but I kept thinking about how I even ended up in there. It wasn't easy though, the headache had started to settle down but it still made it real difficult to think straight.

It was friday, and by the clock already over noon. I took a painkiller, and changed to something better.

 Emily could maybe use a hand by the Saloon, or if not I could at least give company. I didn't really have any work to do, except feeding the chicks. Cap knows where his food is, and usually feeds himself all by himself. I just have to make sure to keep it full.


I walked down the stone street and played with the scarf I had tied around my neck. If you braid the ends and open it after a while it'll stay curled weirdly.

I was about to start third one when I came across the square and noticed the trio hanging around by Sam's sea blue house. 

"Hi guys! How's it going?" I smiled, and nudged Sam playfully. "Haven't seen you for awhile, where have you been? Everything okay?" I asked, slowly turning curious about their reactions. No hi, no hey, nothing.

Abigail tied her hands around Seb's arm and seemed to try to hide away from something. I glanced at Seb, no emotion. Sam was glaring at me.

Did I do something?

"Hey, look" Sam started. "You don't have to pretend that you like us" 

"You could've just said that we're annoying and we won't bother you" He scolded.


"Yeah. Thought we'd never hear?" He asked grinning, but it wasn't a happy one.

"Hear what?"

"Oh don't even start, that's pathetic. Abby heard everything you've been saying around" Abigail nodded as an agreement, and Sebastian still didn't hold any emotion. 

What have I done?

What have I done?

What have I done?

I did tell Shane what I thought of Abigail and Haley, but those weren't that mean, were they? I maybe didn't go to the Saloon with them 'cause June was here, but that was understandable. Or that's at least what I thought.

"I really have no idea what you're talking about" I tried. 

Then it hit me. A tiny silver pendant was hanging around Abigail's neck. She was wearing a coat, but it wasn't completely shut so the pendant was visible.

I opened my scarf and held my hand at my chest. 

The silver fairy wasn't there.

It was safely locked around her neck.


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