“What do you want from me?” Levi’s glared. Just because he may be nervous… he may be scared, it didn’t mean he’d show it. He’d be brave… Like the countless times before. He was honestly tired of dealing with this shit… Why did this have to happen..? Just when I was about to learn something new… Just when I was getting my new life together… Levi found himself irritated and angry. “Just cut the chase. No crap. Why did you kidnap me?”

            Erwin scoffed. “I can’t kidnap something that is rightfully mine…” He paused as he pulled out a clip of several keys. “Look here… These keys belong to your shackles, the cage door and the basement door. I’ll make this simple. Behave and I’ll let you out of your cage. I may even let you out of the basement. All I want from you is your obedience, behave, do what you are told, loyalty and that’s it for now. Oh… and escaping will only result in being put back in your cage. You start from square one. So… If you want to make this easy on you, I suggest you start now by showing me your wings…”

            There was something unnerving about the request. Levi was uncomfortable with the idea of Erwin seeing his wings. But… He could have a chance… “Why..? Why do you want to see them? What if I don’t want to show them to you..? I mean… You can’t force me.”

            The face Erwin made in response to what Levi had said sent shivers down his spine. He didn’t like the feeling that came with it… “On the contrary Levi…” He said as he pulled out his keys and unlocked the cage. Levi knew he should have moved away but he didn’t. He sat there watching… Frozen in his place. There was a sudden yank on his chains and Levi was forced to his feet. He let out a gasp as he felt pain on his wrists. Then as he was slammed into the stone wall he felt his arms raised above his head, held up by the chains. His feet could barely touch the ground. Just his toes. And then he felt…

            “Wh-what are you doing!?” Levi said in shock. He felt Erwin’s hand trailing up his back, under his shirt, right where his scars were… When Eren did it, it was a comforting jester… But when Erwin did it, Levi felt violated.

            “I’m sure you’ll remember that…” Erwin said as his hand brushed over Levi’s scars. “There is a certain bundle of nerves in your back… and when you push-”

            “No.” Levi’s mind raced. He had finally knew why this was so familiar. This happened once before… And only one person would know about the nerves in his back… His… rapist. That if they’re pressed just right, it will cause… “Don’t.” Upon this new realization Levi began to frantically move his body. He desperately wanted to get out of this, out of Erwin’s grip, out of these shackles that bound him here.

            “I told you that you could have taken the easy way out. You could have just listened… You should have just showed me your wings like I told you to and-”

            “Please.” Levi squeezed his eyes shut. This was it, his last resort… Begging. He felt so ashamed. But he didn’t want that pain. He could feel Erwin’s hand hovering right over the spot. Levi was sure that Erwin knew. “Please don’t.”

            There was a long sigh that came from Erwin. “This is a lesson which you must learn, Levi. I told you to listen. So I’m not the bad guy here. It was you, just remember that.” He said as he pressed his fingers hard onto the small part of Levi’s back, where the scars were, over the bundle of very sensitive nerves. The pain was immediate. Levi threw his head back letting out a cry in discomfort as his wings, almost literally, came pouring out of his body. At the same time he heard his shirt being torn from his wings expanding and unfurling, he felt like his back was torn open and split into two. It was a terrible pain. Feathers fell to the floor from the violent outburst. His wings were numb and twitched as they sagged to the ground in a convulsing manner. Levi couldn’t move them. He suddenly felt something cold on his cheek. He realized that he was on the ground trembling. It was weird how familiar this pain was. It was only the second time it had happened. It still hurt like a bitch. “Tell me when you feel like listening…”

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no Kyojinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें