Shot 29

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Back with a quick update. Thank you all for your opinion about the story. I am happy and content that you all are loving the story as it is going. Feeling grateful!!! I will try my best to keep you all entertained.

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Swara's pov

Baby eyes! Please don't open. Let me sleep more.

I frowned as my sleepy state is going away. No! No! I want more sleep. God, please order my eyes not to open.

I tightened my hold on the cloth on my fists and pulled it closer, snuggling into my warm pillow.

"Aww, my daughter is looking too cute. Let them sleep for sometime, Bhabhi."

"Mithra, we have reached. We have to wake them."

"Oh Aunty! Aunty! Stop a second. Atleast let me take a picture."

"What? Are you mad?"

I heard a groaning sound just near my ear. Urgh! Did my pillow turn into a Lion?

"It's perfect. Aunty, see this picture", I heard an squealing sound.

"What are you all doing?", I heard a sharp yet sleepy tone. I made a crying face as my sleep is almost vanishing into the thin air.

"Sanskar, wake up. We have reached. And wake your pyaari patni too!", I heard a taunting tone. Sasu Mom!

"Mom..", I heard Sanskar's irritated tone. Now you think you can sleep, Shona?

I huffed and opened my eyes to see that my head is leaning on Sanskar's chest, I am hugging him from side while his one arm is surrounding me to keep me close to him. So I was right, My pillow is really a lion only!

Why he is holding me haan?

Last I have remembered he was angry on me and I am too! After he pulled that stunt infront of his family yesterday making everyone know that he would buy even the world for his wife, he hasn't talked to Me (his only wife)

Now he is holding me like his life is depending on me huh?!

I made a face and yawned rubbing my eyes. Everyone's gaze went to me. I saw Mithra Mom, Sasu Mom and Kritika are standing beside our seat while others have left already, I think.

We are in the private plane of Maheshwari family. We had a earlier flight so I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning with much difficulty from our bed which was really soft and comfy. Thanks to God! I have packed all our things last night itself. I got agitated as I unpacked last morning only and again packed it in night. And I was irritated more with Sanskar's angry cum silent cum ignorance behaviour. Adding to that, early morning flight!

But I was very happy when I reached the airport because I saw Karan bhai, Mom, Dad and even Kritika are standing there which made me surprised. I hugged every one of them and felt excited that they are also coming with us to the village. When I asked Karan bhai about Kritika's arrival, he told me that Mithra Mom has got to know about his date with Kritika and was excited like a kid. As they are already known to each other families, Mom has asked Kritika family's permission to send her with them so that Karan bhai and Kritika can be able to know eachother well. I was amused but happy that I have a company to enjoy with, cause this arrogant dragon is getting on my nerves now. I thought I would make him have his own dose!

Kritika was equally excited as me! We are so gonna enjoy this trip.

Later I got to know even Pari Bhabhi's family and that Chudail's Mom, Dad were also coming with us. My mood was gone off when I saw Mr. And Mrs. Gadodia.

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