After his third try we look at the pictures again and there's on where the sun is only a little bit out. It doesn't even matter. I caught the picture the moment before the ball was about to go through the net and Elliot is still in the air.

"That's the one." He says and I nod, handing him the camera.

I take off my sweater and turn on the song on my phone. It's the slow one. The one that I made while I wasn't talking to Elliot. The one that I danced before Noah-

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts before they can take over in my mind. That's what I've always been doing when it comes up. Just simply suppress it until it's not there anymore.

The music is just loud enough for me to hear and once the songs starts I let myself get pulled into my own world, where there is no fucked up family. No overthinking. No one hurting me on a daily basis. Just me, my dancing and my music.

I feel the warm sunlight against my back and smile. My eyes are closed and I listen to the music, forgetting about Elliot.

The long pirouette is my favourite part. It took me over a week to finally get it right.

When I finish, I open my eyes again and see Elliot looking at me. I stand there and he doesn't take his eyes off mine. I can't get myself to be the first one to break the eye contact we are having.

His eyes have this beautiful hazel colour now. Almost red. There is no chance in hell that I will be able to look away first.

Something pulls me in and I take slow steps towards him and he does too. Suddenly I step on a branch and it's like the sound snaps both of us out of whatever we were in.

What the hell was that?

Elliot looks down at the camera and I go to stand next to him but try keep a little bit of space between us.

We look through the pictures together and I lay my hand on his to stop him from clicking.

He snapped a picture when I did the turn and I smile.

"I won't need to look through the other pictures. This one is perfect, I already know there won't be a better one than this."

"It really is." He whispers and I notice my hand is still on his.

I quickly pull it away and look at the time. It's still early.

"Do you want to grab some breakfast somewhere?" I ask and he pulls his jacket on.

"Is there anything open except for McDonald's?"

I bite my lip. Should I?

Screw this. I will.

"I know a place." I say and smile.

To my luck, Elliot drove here with his car. I tell him the directions and then quickly pull my phone out to call Maggie.

On the second ring, she picks up.

"Hailey? Is everything alright? Why are you calling me this early on a Saturday?" She asks.

"Hey. Would it be alright if I went to Maggs to get something to eat with a friend. I'll even get everything ready before Susan starts and won't eat any of the free croissants for the next week. Pleaseee." I rant and she laughs.

"Hailey, I trust you. I think you are responsible enough to do that as long as it doesn't become a regular thing."

"You are the best. Thanks."

"Bye Hailey."

"Bye Maggie."

She hangs up and I tell Elliot to make a turn to the right.

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