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I decided to sleep on the couch in Joey's room that night. I do that quite often when Abby comes home for her spontaneous visits, that somehow always end up with me getting in trouble and hating her even more.

Having time to think about it, I'm not sure if I want Joey to move out. He is the only other sane person in this house, and I don't know how I'll handle Abby on my own if he is a two-hour drive away. It's not like I could actually drive there. I don't even have a drivers license yet. And we probably won't talk as much as we do when he's at home since he will be busy with work too. 

I sigh. Probably the only good thing coming out of this is that I'll get my own room. I've been waiting for years now. I was so excited when Abby graduated High School and was ready to go to college. I thought that would be the time when I'd get my own room. Thought wrong. She decided to still live here. As did Joey. But I don't understand why. Why continue living here when it's horrible? Why not just find your own apartment and escape this hell hole that other would call home?

For me it isn't even an option to stay here after High School. I bet I'll be moving out before Abby does too.


My sleep is interrupted by my alarm and I turn it off immediately. I look over to Joey who is still sleeping, and it seems like he didn't hear my alarm at all.

That guy would even sleep through an earthquake.

I make my way out of his room, not bothering to be quiet and walk down the hallway to mine and Abby's room. Just as I want to open the door, it flies open and Abby almost crashes into me. When she sees me, she smirks and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Don't forget to clean up before mom and dad get home."

I just give her a blank look and brush her hand off to walk into our room and get ready.

But Abby was right. I did clean up again this morning, as I do every day.

At school the only thing that got me through those long hours of putting my usual 'nice girl with perfect family and life' front up again, was that I could work on my hidden Devil art project and the hope that maybe I would see the British boy at work again.


I look at the clock on the wall behind me and give Susan a slight pout. It's already five o'clock and the group of boys yesterday hasn't showed up. She gives me a frown back, "I really hoped for them to come back today." "Yeah." I agree.

My shift is officially over now but I don't want to go home. I decide to sit in a booth in the back and work on my history essay about the role of women in America through the decades, that's due in two days.

It only takes me half an hour to finish it, but I still don't feel the need to go home. I go to the counter, make myself a cappuccino and take one blueberry muffin and walk back to my booth.

Time to start looking for some room inspiration on Pinterest.

Before I know it, it's 7 p.m. and I'm showing my room ideas and pins to Susan. She's been sitting here with me for the past hour and the both of us designed my new room. Just occasionally she stood up to serve some customers but then came right back to me again.

"Time to close up." She says and I nod.

I quickly put my laptop back into my backpack and help her tidy up the Café.

Yeah, I kind of have a lot of cleaning to do in my life.

When I get home, I sit down on my bed and look through my backpack for the little piece of paper with the number of the British boy on it. Just thinking of texting him makes the butterflies in my stomach erupt.

 I search and search but can't find it. Where is this damn note?

I've taken everything out of my backpack and looked through it twice by now. I shake it out hoping that I just didn't see it and it will fall out.

Nothing except some little food crumbles.


I quickly call Susan.

"Hello?" She answers after the second ring.

"Okay this is really important. Have you seen the note with the number of that cute guy yesterday anywhere at Magg's?" I ask her in a rushed tone.

"No, I don't think so, but hey. I can ask Chase if he could give you his number again." She tells me and I breathe out. "That would be amazing. Thanks."

"Anytime, Hailey. Don't worry about it too much, everything is going to be fine."

"I hope so." I say and hang up to lay down on my bed with a thump.

Guess luck won't ever be on my side.

After a while I go to sleep, my dreams are being filled with images and scenariosof a handsome British boy.

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