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I slow down a bit when I see the entrance of my school. BULLDER HIGH SCHOOL is written above the double doors in big, bold letters.

Glancing around myself I don't see anyone outside and quickly plug my earphones out of my phone to check at the time.

8:27 am.


I have three minutes left to get to my class at the other end of the school. And I have art as my first period which doesn't make this situation any better because my art teacher, Ms Glews, isn't the biggest fan of being late to her class.

8:28 am.


Without much thinking I start running into the school and down the hallways. During my run I take a quick glance at the clock hanging above the locker row next to me which causes me to bump into someone and fall on the floor.

And then the bell rings. Great.

I quickly stand up and look at the other person still lying on the floor. It's a boy, apparently too stunned with what just happened to react. He is actually kind of good looking. Brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, black jeans and white long-sleeve shirt, a necklace with a cross on it, good body. He's really pretty.


I'm ready to snap at him when I remember that I'm at school and can't act like this. I put on the best 'sorry' face I can muster and say, "Oh my god. I am so sorry." I am so not. "This is all my fault. Are you hurt?" I couldn't care less right now, but still stretch my hand out for him to take it, looking like I really am concerned. He blinks a few times and then takes my hand to stand up. "I'm sorry I'm new here and got kind of lost. My name's Elliot Johnsen, by the way." He tells me scratching the back of his head. I don't care who he is and what his dumb excuse comes with him.

Do not snap.

I tell myself repeatedly in order to calm down.

"Where do you need to be? Maybe I can show you the way." I say not really wanting to make a damn tour with him. "Oh, that'd be great. Thanks."

Do not roll your eyes.

He looks at his schedule and then says, "Ms Glews' art class." A fake smile stretches across my face. "That's where I was heading too." He smiles. "Let's go then." I mutter.

We start walking and I pray that he won't ask any questions, but luck isn't on my side. As if it ever would be.

"I think I didn't catch your name earlier." He says. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's-" really none of your business. The thought of telling him off is tempting but I resist the urge and answer in a sickly-sweet voice, "-Hailey Rudes." Elliot is about to say something when I stop in front of Ms Glews' classroom and take a deep breath. Then I open the door and let myself in.

Ms Glews' eyes turn to look at me as all the others from the students do too. "You're late miss Rudes." She snaps. "I know. I'm sorry." I answer quietly. "Would you like to explain yourself?" She continues with a sarcastic undertone. I'm about to answer when Elliot steps in next to me and explains, "She helped me find the way here Ms Glews. I got lost." I hear some boys laughing in the back of the room and wish I can too. God, this sounds ridiculous. "And who are you, young boy?" "My name's Elliot Johnson, Miss. I'm the new student here."

I could throw up just listening to him and everyone else talking to teachers.

"Of course you are! Please take a seat you two."

You would be able feel her fake enthusiasm even if you were in Russia. The same with every other teacher in this school when there's a new student.

"I apologise for my rude behaviour towards the two of you earlier, Elliot. I just don't like students coming late to my class but in your case it's totally different." Elliot just nods and Glews doesn't spare one glance at me.

Told you.

I take my seat in the middle of the classroom and Elliot sits a few rows behind me. I pull my pencil case and notebook out of my backpack and put it on my desk.

Ms Glews turns the projector on and starts talking, "Today we're starting with something new. Before I give you your assignment, I'm going to explain you the meanings of different colours, symbols, patterns etcetera and what feelings are associated with them."

The first slide of her presentation comes on and there are several colours without any description or context.

"Can someone tell me what the colour dark blue means to you or reminds you of? There are no wrong answers." Ms Glews continues

Different examples were said: the sea, darkness, the sky, the marines, ink.

Ms Glews smiles, "Now there's the tricky part. What do you feel when you look at this dark blue?"

The class goes silent, everyone trying to come up with the perfect feeling to describe the colour.

There isn't anything to really look at. It's just some empty, plain dark blue with nothing special in it.

I slowly raise my right hand.

"Yes, miss Rudes."

I let my hand fall back onto the table. "When I look at this dark blue, I feel emptiness."

Ms Glews smile grows bigger. "And why do you think you feel it Hailey?"

"I think... I think that when you look at it- like just stare for a minute you see that it is just dark blue. There aren't any colours mixed into it which makes it look empty. Try to compare it with a sky at night. Normally you would see stars. Even if it would be just a few stars- there would still be stars to look at. Right? But imagine it without stars. It would just look empty."

Ms Glews nods, taking the information in and turns to the rest of the class.

"Does someone agree with Hailey?"

There's a pause in the class until someone says, "Yeah, I actually do."

I look at the person who said it.

Elliot. Of course.

"I think if there would just be like one little dot of any other colour here it wouldn't feel like emptiness because it just wouldn't be empty. Which means that even just one difference in the colour- it doesn't matter what difference- could make anyone interpret and feel something entirely different." He continues.

This boy actually has something smart to say.

"OK guys."  Ms Glews catches our attention again at the end of the class.

"What you need to do now is: I want you to draw a picture or take a picture- I really don't care- but you must choose a feeling and then try to show it with patterns and colours and everything. If you have struggles finding the 'right' patterns or symbols, try to do it the way we did it in today. Concentrate on one feeling at a time, okay?." She finishes the lesson, and everyone starts packing their things when the bell rings.

I make a straight beeline out of the room and head to my next class, PE.

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