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I walk through the double doors into lunch hall and spot my 'friends'. Well they're not really my friends. More like the people I hang out with at school. It's not like I really do anything with them outside of school. We're six in total. Anna, Noah, Liam, Gillian, Sarah and me. The group is kind of popular but not like the cheerleaders or jocks. Just enough for people to know who we are.

I greet them like usually and sit in between Liam and Noah. The five of them are talking and I don't even bother listening to them. Instead, I just scroll through Instagram. Again.

It's not until I hear my name being said that I look up.

"What?" I ask them.

"I asked if you're going to prom, Hailey" Anna repeats.

I just shrug, "I guess so."

"No but seriously. Are you going?" Sarah pries.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet. I mean, why should I? It's February and prom's in June." I tell her.

They drop it and continue talking about their plans this weekend. Of course, none of them including me but I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Any plans this weekend, Hailey?" Liam asks.

Gillian rolls her eyes and answers him before I can, "Why bother asking, Liam? She always has plans."

I grin at her, "That's true. But this time I'm going furniture shopping with Joey, my brother."

"Ohhh. You mean the hot one?", Gillian asks.

I scrunch my face in total disgust, "I only have one brother and he's too old for you."

"Why are you going furniture shopping anyways?" Sarah finally asks.

"Oh, yeah. Joey got an apartment and he's moving out this week which results in me getting my own room." I say with a smile. I've shared a room with Abby for way too long now.

"That's great. But now you can't borrow her clothes anymore." Anna exclaims.

"I'm willing to make that sacrify." I tell her. To be completly honest, I would do anything to not share a room with Abby. She's a pain in the ass.
But of course, no one except me knows or believes that. Because they all know Abby as the funny, nice, good looking and smart sister. It's what she portrays herself as. No one knows how stuck up, ungrateful or aggressive she actually is. The funny thing is that she is already in college and you would believe that she's changed when she got there but no. Still the same Abby as always.

Disconnecting from their discussion about something that I don't even care about, I think about my art project. I could draw Abby the way that I see her: A devil.- No, that would be too much. I could draw someone with similar features as Abby. Maybe the same hair and eyes. Just enough for me to recognize it as her. And them make her smile. The fake smile she gives me when we're in public or with my parents and she needs to act nice to me. But the twist was to concentrate on the colours and what emotions they could represent. Maybe red. Yes- I could draw flames in the background. Her clothes would be red. Her eyes too! Maybe some horns? It would describe Abby perfect:

The hidden Devil.

My hands instantly reach for my sketchbook in my hand and I start to draw what I'm thinking of. I erase many of my ideas on how to portait Abby without anyone noticing while I draw too. When I feel like I've had enough of the people talking around me, I stand up and simply go to the library without saying bye or anything. I do that pretty often.

The ringing of the bell brings me back to reality after sketching silently for a good amount of time already. I adjust my cardigan, sling my backpack over my shoulders and head out of the library and to my next class.

Faking it.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora