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I walk out of school at 02:45 pm and wait for the bus to take me to work. As I wait, I see Elliot and another guy that I don't recognize walk down the steps. Elliot sees me and gives me a wave. I smile back.

Please don't let them take the bus.

The guy next to Elliot looks at him like he's out of his mind for waving at me. Guess he thinks I'm more popular and unapproachable than I actually am. If that means that I have less people  I need to associate with at school, then I hope that he will always think that of me.

They start walking towards me but then stop, get into a black Mercedes and drive off.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


I step outside the bus and stand in front of "Maggs Coffeeshop". No one from my school knows that I work here and that's one reason why I love this place. It's kind of on the edge of town and not that popular. Even though what we sell tastes and looks amazing. Once you had something to eat or drink here you don't want it from anywhere else. With it being not on the popular side I know almost every customer here and that's another thing I love about it. The familiarity with everyone. You wouldn't get that in a Starbucks.

Eventually I walk through the door and into the staff room. I hang my cardigan on the clothing rack and pin my name tag onto the left side of my shirt.

I walk back out and behind the counter in the middle of the Coffeeshop and put my backpack next to me on the floor. I have five minutes left until my shift officially starts so I just take one of the delicious looking croissants off the plate and brew myself a coffee. Our boss, Maggie, let's us have one large coffee and one pastry for free every workday that we have here, which results in me getting free food from Monday to Friday.

As I enjoy my croissant, I hear the bell above the door ring and see my co-worker Susan walk in. She's a senior in college and has worked here since she was in high school too. Although she's a lot older than me, we get along really well. I would consider us as friends- real friends.

"Hi." We great each other at the same time and laugh at that. We do that quite often. She gives me a hug and walks around me to the coffee machine for her own free drink.

The Café isn't busy at all and all the customers were already served when I walked in here, meaning Maggie should walk out of her office any minute to finish her shift. I look around and spot the elderly couple that eats their lunch here every day.

I lean against the counter and adore them. I met them on my first day here and remember when I bought them the false drinks, but the women told me that she was glad I did that because she wanted to try something new for a long time now.

I look back at Susan and see she was looking at the two of them too.

"They're adorable." I say and she nods. "They make me have hope to find a true love like they have." She sighs and I take a sip of my coffee.

Just in time Maggie walks out of her office and tells us to lock up when we finish. Well, when Susan finishes. My shift ends two hours earlier than hers because I still am a high school student and don't want to get home at half past seven every day on school days.

Maggie holds the door open for a group of guys to walk in and Susan and I take their orders.

I notice that most of them are my age but one in particular catches my attention. He has a British accent and looks quite handsome too. What is a handsome and British boy doing here in California?

They take their seats in a booth and I start to brew their coffees.

Susan stands next to me and gives me a flirty wink.

"What?" I ask her.

"British boy is looking at you." She tells me. I look to my right and catch him staring at me. He quickly looks away and I turn back to Susan.

"So what?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"So what?" She mocks me, "Ask him for his number."

I laugh at her, "I think you sometimes forget that I'm a junior in high school and don't have time for a boyfriend, nor do I want one."

"Who said something about boyfriend? Maybe just a little fling. You know. To loosen up a bit. Have fun." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh even harder, "You're delusional and don't have a good influence on me."


I get the coffees ready and put them all on a serving tablet and slide it over to Susan. "Maybe there's another older British guy there for you to have some fun with." I tell her with a smirk and she just gives me a wink.

I watch her walk to their booth and talk to them a little bit after she placed the coffees on the table. Two of them hand her a piece of paper and she gives them a smile and walks back to me grinning like an idiot.

She hands me one of them and whispers, "British boy gave you his number."

I open my mouth in shock and look back at him. He is already looking at me and I close my mouth and smile. Then I put the piece of paper in my backpack and turn to Susan.

"Whose number did you get?" I ask her.

"You were actually right. There was an older guy for me- he's just one year older and his name's Chase." She tells me.

I take another sip of my now lukewarm-almost cold- coffee and high-five her under the counter so no one else can see.

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