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When I get to lunch I see that I'm the last one to arrive at the table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Howdy y'all." I greet them and look at Elliot specifically, who is rolling his eyes, but still smiling. I sit down next to Simon who slings his arm over my shoulder. Anna is already sitting next to Elliot and the two of them have a conversation of their own going on. My stomach churns again but I push the feeling down.

Sarah asks about prom and this time I'm actually interested in the topic.

"I'm going. As long as you two come with me." I say and look at Milli and Simon. "I'm down." Milli answers immediately and Simon shrugs. "Better than no prom at all I guess." "What? You don't have a prom at your school?" Tyler asks and Milli answers, "Junior prom got cancelled since the guy that blew our chemistry lab is or was a junior. I don't know if he got expelled or what other punishment he got from the principal."

I remember when they told me. They weren't that sad about it, since the three of us were never really into those kind of things, but now that we're going as a group I think it will be fun. Or at least I hope that it will be fun.

I listen to them talking about the themes for prom when the whole cafeteria dies down. It's completely silent for a second, only after I hear the double doors shut I turn around and my eyes open wide, everybody staring at the person standing there which looks a little bit lost through the room.

It's Joey.

He's looking around, searching for me I guess. Then he sees me and his huge smile mirrors mine.

"Dude!" I yell and quickly stand up, running through the tables to get to him.

"Dude!" He shouts back and runs towards me, with his arms open wide.

He engulfs me in a hug and I smile. "I missed you." I tell him and he chuckles. "I missed you too."

People start whistling around us, shouting Joey's name, trying to get his attention. I forgot to mention that Joey went to the same high school as me and Abby. But not only that. He was the most popular guy here and star quarterback. Most of the trophies this school got, were because of him.

"You always know how to make an entrance, don't you?" I ask and he smirks. "You know I do."

When we get back to the lunch table- after way too many football players stopping us and congratulating Joey for whatever reason- Milli and Simon are standing in front of us. Joey let's go of me to hug the two of them and greets the others at the table.

I sit down next to him and lean my head onto his shoulder.

"Guys. This is Joey. My older brother and he's definitely off limits." I say giving Sarah and Gillian a pointed look.

"Wow Hailey. That's a real mature way to introduce me to your friends." Joey jokes and I shrug, taking one of my fries off my plate. Just as I'm about to eat it, Joey snatches it away from me, eating it.

Then grimaces. "I really didn't miss the school food."

The table laughs and Tyler asks, "Hailey your brother is actually funny. How come you're related?" Joey starts laughing hysterically and I elbow his stomach. "Har Bloody Har." I say sarcastically.

"Anyways. How long are you staying?" I ask after Joey has calmed down. "I'm driving back tonight. Just wanted to visit you for a little bit." He answers and I pout.

"Doesn't matter. You're staying at my place tonight anyways." Milli says and I nod.

"Do Mom and Dad know?" Joey asks and I give him a look, to which he sighs.

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