Chapter Nineteen

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My next few months at Hogwarts were comprised of stolen moments with Draco. 

When we would work on our potions assignments in the library, Draco would distract me with cocky flirtations. After a few comments, and an "accidental" brush of my hand, I rapidly lost concentration. I started to fall behind on homework, and stayed up late at night in the common room to make up for it. Hannah always smirked when I came back from my "study sessions" with virtually no work done, but she pretended not to notice, which I was grateful for. 

All the things about Draco that used to infuriate me suddenly became traits I liked. His arrogance  gave me butterflies. His smirk made me smile. I learned new things about him too. Draco had a surprising soft side.

Sometimes, it killed me to pretend that I didn't like Draco. I told myself that this was better than nothing, much better than nothing. Still, it didn't stop me from dreaming. 

A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short, but I have a lot of ideas and I needed time to pass for them to make sense. 

Unfortunately, my life has gotten even busier (my sport has started, and I got up at 4:45 this morning to go to practice AAAAAA), so I will probably only be able to write on weekends and the rare days where I don't have a lot to do. I promise that I will keep working as much as I can. 

Thank you for reading/upvoting/commenting on my story! <3 

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