Chapter Four

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Exactly 45 minutes later, I strode into the library. I quickly looked at all the tables, and Malfoy was no where to be seen. Of course. I shouldn't have bothered being punctual. He clearly wasn't going to extend the same courtesy to me. This really was going to be a long year. Sighing, I picked my favorite table in the back of the library and sat down, spreading out my stuff. Since there was still no sign of Draco, I started working on my homework for my other classes. 

15 minutes later, Draco casually walked into the library. Ugh, he couldn't even bother to try and look like he was rushing or felt guilty for being late.

He sat down, and I put down my quill. "I hope that's our potions homework that you've been working on." Ah, so that was his ulterior motive for being late. 

"You wish. This is my Divination homework. Didn't you know it's rude to be late? If you wanted to meet later, you should have said so." I angrily started getting out our potions homework. 

"As if I don't have other places to be, Connolly." 

This was going to be a long hour.

"Whatever, Malfoy. Let's just get started."

We started working on the assignment and, to my surprise, Draco actually contributed. Things were actually going okay and we were making good progress, until he decided that he wanted a break from studying. 

"Why do you care so much about school?" He asked. "It's not as if you're a Ravenclaw." Draco was clearly mocking the Hufflepuff emblem on my robes. 

"I know it doesn't matter to you, Malfoy, so let's just get back to work."

"No. I won't do any more work until you tell me."

"Why do you want to know anyways?" I was really getting tired of him.

"Just tell me. I know you don't want to do this assignment on your own." 

I sighed. "Fine. My dad was a Ravenclaw, and my mom was really good at school. They always encouraged me to read and learn new things. I always thought I was going to be a Ravenclaw, and I was honestly really surprised when the sorting hat put me in Hufflepuff. My parents didn't care, of course, but I still liked learning and wanted to get high marks. My mom makes me take muggle classes over the summer, actually. She's worried that I don't get a good enough education here at Hogwarts. My dad assured her that Hogwarts is a good school, but I can still hear her saying 'Do you really want to have the science skills of an eleven year old for your entire life, Cass? I know they don't teach you science at that school.' My parents eventually came to a compromise. I can go to Hogwarts, but I have to take two abbreviated muggle courses each summer." I shrugged, finishing my speech. "Why don't you care as much about school? It's not like you're stupid."

"You don't have to be as worried about getting high marks when you're a Malfoy." Draco said arrogantly. "As long as I do okay in all of my classes, I've got a job at the ministry all lined up for me. It's called having a legacy, and I wouldn't expect you to understand."

God, he was so annoying. I couldn't believe that I thought Draco was actually okay a little bit ago. "Right, I forgot that the Malfoys are so much better than us. You're gods to us mere mortals." I rolled my eyes, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "All hail our supreme overlord, Draco Malfoy."

"Exactly. You're finally getting it." I couldn't miss the playfulness in his voice. Maybe some of the arrogance was an act, some strange form of humor. Maybe Draco wasn't as bad as I thought. 

"Shut up Draco. Let's get back to work." 

We weren't able to work for long before we were interrupted. I looked at the beefy boys in Slytherin robes. Crabbe and Goyle. I groaned. Their eyes flickered to me in confusion, before turning to Draco. 

"What are you doing with her, Malfoy?" Crabbe asked, the disgust all too evident in his voice. 

"Snape's partner work. Believe me, there's no other reason why I would be spending time with a Hufflepuff that has a muggle for a mother. Can't get much worse than that can you?" All playfulness was gone from Draco's voice. Crabbe and Goyle snickered. 

He picked up his bag. "Finish that before it's due. I can't have someone like you ruining my potions grade. Come on, Crabbe, Goyle. Let's get out of here." Without so much as a goodbye, Draco left the library, with his minions trailing behind him. 

I fought to hold back my tears. I was wrong. Draco Malfoy might just be the worst person to walk the earth since You-Know-Who. And I would have to work with him for the rest of the year. God, I could't believe my bad luck. After putting my head in my hands and taking a few deep breaths, I gathered up my stuff and headed up to my common room to get the rest of my homework done. At least if I started crying there, no one but my friends could see me. 

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