Chapter Fifteen

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"Cass?" Hannah called from the bed across from mine. We were in the girls dormitory, and Megan and Susan were already asleep. 

I tore my gaze from the clock on my bedside table. "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

Hannah laughed a little. "You just seem a little distracted."

I rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just-" I glanced at the clock. 11:30. "tired." I finished after a few seconds of silence. 

Hannah looked at me with a look of concern on her face. "Okay? I'll let you go to bed then, I guess."

I looked at the clock again and stood up. "Actually, I think I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick. And I might read in the common room for awhile. But don't let me stop you, you can sleep if you want."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "You're being really weird."

"No, I'm not."

Hannah took a close look at me. "Why are you wearing your winter clothes instead of your pajamas?"

I started getting nervous. "No reason." I knew I wasn't the best liar, but I really didn't want to tell my friend what I was doing. I fidgeted with the sleeves of my coat, and nervously pulled my hat further onto my head. 

Hannah sighed. "I'm not even going to ask. But whatever you're doing, just don't get caught. I don't want you to get in trouble, or for Hufflepuff to loose any points."

I nodded, then started to leave the dormitory. 

"Oh, and Cass?" I stopped and turned back around. "You better tell me about whatever it is you're doing when you get back." Hannah said, grinning. 

I smiled. "Fine."

"Have fun, and be safe." Hannah called softly as I left. I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to do either of those things, but I nodded again anyways. 

I wrung my hands as I briskly walked to the astronomy tower. I was terrified of getting caught, and I kept looking around at every sound. I was also nervous about whatever Draco had planned. I had no idea what to expect. 

I made it to the base astronomy tower with ten minutes to spare. I had miraculously avoided a run-in with Mrs. Norris, but apparently even devil cats needed to sleep. I started the long climb, and made it up the tower just in time. 

Draco was already waiting for me. He turned towards me when he heard me arrive. "Connolly. I told you that you would come."

I rolled my eyes. "You did, and you're always right. Is that what you wanted to hear, O' All-knowing Deity."

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanted. Thank you." 

"Wow. A thank you. I didn't know that was in your vocabulary."

"Haven't you heard? I'm terribly intelligent." Draco said. "Someone's feeling a little feisty tonight, it seems."

I chuckled softly. "That's because I'm still thinking about earlier." I still hadn't totally forgiven him, but it was more than a little hard to stay mad at the beautiful boy under the moonlight. "Speaking of, what are we even doing here?"

Draco gestured to the sky. "Stargazing, of course."

"What, like a date?" I asked hesitantly. 

He shrugged. "A little bit like that, yeah."

I laughed. "So we got into an argument, and that made you decide to ask me out on a date?"

Draco smirked. "What can I say? You're hot when you're mad."

I blinked in shock. "Did you just say I'm hot?"

He ignored my question and sat down on the ground. He pulled two drinks out of a bag that I hadn't noticed before. "Refreshments." Draco said, offering one to me. 

I sat down beside him and took one of the drinks from his hand. I opened it and took a sip. The drink warmed me up, but it was unfamiliar. "I'm not even going to ask what this is, but it's good."

Draco laughed. "I guess it's not breaking the rules if you don't confirm what it is." 

He laid down on his back, and I followed suit. We stared in comfortable silence at the stars for awhile. Eventually, my gaze drifted from the night sky to the boy laying next to me. I watched his eyelashes as he blinked slowly, and butterflies fluttered in my chest. I moved on to studying his hands. The rings that he always wore looked so good, and I reached out to touch them. My fingers hesitantly touched his. Draco looked down at our hands and gently intertwined our fingers. I ran my thumb over one of his rings, then started slowly stroking the knuckles of his hand.

 I couldn't believe how brave I was being, but I had Draco all to myself, and I couldn't stop. Besides, Draco had said this was a date, and people did this stuff on dates, right?

Draco's eyes traveled from our hands to meet mine. He reached out with his free hand and cupped my face. His thumb stroked my cheek.

"Draco-" I started to speak, but faltered. I was overwhelmed by how beautiful he looked. I wanted him, and I didn't know what to do about it. If touching his hands made me feel this way...

Draco took few shaky breaths, then leaned forward and kissed me. I melted against his touch. He tasted of the alcohol, and of something distinctly Draco. I let go of his hand and buried it in his hair. Draco put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer. 

All of the sudden, Draco ended the kiss, and we pulled away. "We should probably go inside. It's late." He said, sitting up. 

"Oh. Yeah."

"Your common room is on the way to mine, so I'll walk you back." Draco offered. 

We walked in silence. I was too shocked to attempt a conversation, and too terrified to ruin whatever we had. 

Draco and I arrived at the entrance to my common room. I suddenly hoped that he would kiss me again. 

"Goodnight, Cass." He said softly

"Goodnight, Draco." I murmured in reply. 

Draco left, and it was clear that whatever moment we had at the astronomy tower had passed. I closed my eyes and sighed, then walked into the Hufflepuff common room. I walked into my dorm and quickly got ready for bed in the dark, not wanting to wake anyone up. I collapsed into bed, thinking only of Draco. When I finally fell asleep, he haunted me with his touch in my dreams. 

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