Chapter Two

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My first class of the day was Transfiguration. I walked to Professor McGonagall's classroom with a small smile on my face. I was so happy to be back.

Unfortunately, my happy mood burst as I noticed that Draco was also in this class. I nearly groaned, but I should be used to it by now. Malfoy and I have had at least two classes together every year, and it seemed like this year wouldn't be the exception. We always ended up being forced to sit together in at least one class each year, but I was praying that wouldn't be the case this year.

Draco smirked when he saw me. "Sit by me, Connolly. It will save you some time, we'll probably have to end up sitting together anyways."

Rolling my eyes and ignoring him, I sat down next to Hannah, deliberately picking the table furthest from Malfoy.

Thankfully, McGonagall let us pick our seats this year. "You guys are getting older, and it's time you showed some responsibility. Don't make me regret this, or I will assign seats myself. And I promise if that happens, you will not be sitting by your friends," she warned us.

At least I would be spared from sitting next to Draco in one of my classes.

"Now," McGonagall said, settling behind her desk. "Time for some review."

Class moved by slowly as we practiced our old Transfiguration. All this review was boring me, and I was antsy to learn something new. McGonagall, however, kept stressing the importance of "easing back into magic", and promised that we can start learning new material next class.

Finally, the class was over. I started to pack up my stuff casually, but sped up when it looked like Draco was planning on coming over to annoy me. I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the room.

By lunch, the rest of my classes were thankfully free of Draco, and I only had two more classes left. Maybe I would get lucky this year, and only have one class together. Really lucky, considering that Draco and I sat on opposite sides of the classroom in Transfiguration. Afraid of jinxing myself, I forced myself not to hope, and turned back to my lunch.

Next was Care of Magical Creatures. While this wasn't my favorite subject, I liked being outside, and I liked Hagrid. As I made my way to Hagrid's hut, I saw that Draco was already there. You've jinxed yourself, Cass. Sighing, I slowly finished the walk to class.

Hagrid rotated who you were working with everyday, so at least I wouldn't have to work with Draco every day. Today, I was partnered with Luna, and we were supposed to be feeding the flobberworms. 

"Hello, Luna. How are you?" I asked as I reached for a handful of lettuce.

"Oh I'm fine. The weather is nice today, but nargles like this type of weather too." Luna said, adjusting her colorful glasses.

"Oh, I didn't know that." In all honesty, I didn't really know what nargles were, let alone what type of weather they preferred.

"Most people don't know much about nargles. It's a shame."

Luna was really nice, but sometimes she was a bit strange. 

After Care of Magical Creatures was over, it was time for my last and least favorite class of the day: potions. No matter how nice I was to Snape or how hard I worked in class, he continued to dislike me, and my teachers always liked me. It was always damp in the potions classroom, and Snape always took points from any house that wasn't Slytherin. There were assigned seats every year too. It was infuriating.

Unsurprisingly, Draco was in this class too. I mentally cursed myself for prematurely calling myself lucky. Prepared for the worst, I listened to Snape assign seats and partners.

"And at this table," Snap consulted his scroll. "Malfoy and Connolly."

Of course. I walked over to my table and sat down.

"Bet you thought that you wouldn't be seeing my face as much this year, Connolly. I don't know why you wouldn't want to. I'm quite gorgeous."

Ugh, Draco was so full of himself. "Keep telling yourself that."

Class passed slowly, with Draco making annoying remarks every so often. Technically, talking wasn't allowed during lectures, but Snape let him get away with everything.

"I hope everyone was paying attention during my lecture. I expect a three page essay about Veritaserum by next week. Class dismissed." Snape said with a wave of his hand.

Ugh, this class couldn't get any worse. First Draco, then that boring lecture, and now this. I stifled a groan, knowing that Snape was probably looking for an excuse to deduct points from my house.

I quickly packed up and rushed out of the classroom. I was glad to be done for the day, and even happier to finally be away from Draco. I headed for the library, hoping to start my essay.I found a secluded table near the back of the library and sat down. I got out my potions textbook, my parchment, and my quill and started working.

I wasn't able to work for long before I was interrupted by someone sliding into the seat across from me. I stopped writing and looked up into the gray eyes of none other than Draco Malfoy. I quickly looked down at my essay again, hoping that he would go away if I ignored him. Unfortunately, Draco was persistent, and didn't seem to get the hint. He was still staring at me expectantly when I finally spoke.

"Can I help you, Malfoy?"

He smirked. God, when is he not smirking? Does he know other facial expressions exist? "Why yes you can, Connolly. I don't want to do this essay, and you're smart."

"Wow, you really flatter me." My voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Anyways," Draco continued smoothly, as if I hadn't interrupted him. "I was hoping you could help me."

"You were hoping I would do your homework for you." He shrugged, and I turned back to my essay. "Sorry Malfoy, I'm not interested. Besides, I have better things to be doing than your homework."

He scoffed. "What else do you have to be doing?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're trying to get me to do your homework, is that really something you should be saying to me?"

Draco stared at me like he was still expecting an answer.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I promised Hermione that I would hang out with her today. I also have my own homework to be doing, so if you don't mind..." I desperately hoped that he would get the hint. Draco saw my expression and got out his parchment and quill.

"Alright then, I guess I'll just sit here and ask you questions about the homework. That way I'm not cheating, technically, just working with a partner. I know you worry about that kind of stuff." He scoffed, like academic integrity was anything to scoff at. Wow, Hermione was really rubbing off on me.

I wouldn't be able to get any work done with him here, so I started packing up my stuff. "Oh, um, wow! Would you look at the time. Late to meet Hermione already? Time flies." I stood up as Draco rolled his eyes. He clearly didn't believe my excuse, but I was past the point of caring.

I was already up in my common room before I remembered that Draco was actually good at potions. Certainly better than me. So why would he ask me of all people for help? I shrugged off the question and kept working on my essay. I needed to get at least two paragraphs done before I met with Hermione. 

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