Chapter Eleven

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The day of the yule ball had finally arrived. Classes were over, with the exams being two days ago. I felt pretty confident about my exams, so I let the excitement of the ball overtake me. I was looking forward to dressing up and dancing with my friends, but I was more than a little nervous about the whole Justin and Draco situation. 

No one slept in very late. The girls in my dormitory were much too excited to sleep, and I woke up at 8:30 in the morning to the sound of their conversation. 

Time passed slowly. My friends were anxious for the ball to start, so each minute seemed to pass slower than the rest. There was no studying or homework to be done to fill the time. Laughter and conversation filled the common room. There were games of exploding snap and wizard chess. I was curled up by the fire with a book, but I hadn't gotten very far in it, as I kept getting distracted. 

As soon as it seemed socially acceptable to start getting ready for the ball, all the girls rushed up the dormitory stairs. Time passed much quicker while we were getting ready.

I curled my dark hair, letting it cascade past my shoulders. A few of the front pieces were pulled out of my face, and Hannah spelled some white baby's breath flowers to stay in my hair. I kept my makeup simple, opting for a more natural look. My dark blue dress was sleeveless, with an open back that showed off my pale skin. The dress was floor length, and shimmered slightly when I moved. I absolutely loved it.

"Do a spin!" Susan said, laughing. I obliged, and my friends erupted into applause. I blew kisses at them. We took turns showing off our dresses, and the dormitory was filled with laughter and smiles. Before we knew it, it was time to leave for the ball. 

I walked down to the common room, where Justin was waiting for me. 

"Wow, Cass. You look gorgeous." 

"Thanks, Justin." I blushed. I elbowed him lightly. "You know, you're a really good friend." I added with more than a little guilt. I hated reminding him that I didn't like him like that, but what else could I do?

"Oh, yeah, uh, thanks." It was Justin's turn to blush, and he looked more than a little embarrassed. 

"Do you guys want to head down to the ballroom?" Hannah stepped in smoothly, saving me from this awkward conversation. I smiled at her gratefully. 

Justin gestured for us to move forward. "Lead the way." 

We got there just in time. The ballroom was quickly filling up, but I managed to spot Ginny in the crowd. I went to grab Hannah's arm and drag her over to our friends before I noticed that she was deep in conversation with her date. I smiled, then left to find Ginny by myself. She was standing in a group with Neville, Ron, and a bored looking Padma Patil.

"Hey, Ginny! You look amazing!" 

"So do you, Cass!"

We briefly hugged, then I greeted the rest of the group. Neville responded with an enthusiastic hello, Padma gave me a halfhearted wave, and Ron ignored me, his eyes on a group of people towards the doors of the ballroom. 

"Don't mind Ron." Ginny told me. "He's just upset that Hermione turned him down." 

I followed Ron's gaze to the Triwizard Champions and their dates. Harry was looking quite uncomfortable next to his date. Cedric was talking animatedly with Cho Chang. I realized with a start that Hermione was standing next to the Durmstrang champion. 

"Hermione's here with Viktor Krum? Good for her." I didn't have to fake how impressed I was. 

"That's what I've been saying!" Ginny said. "Honestly, Ron, you should be just be happy for her." 

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