Chapter Three

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The next month passed rather uneventfully. I tried to spend my free time after classes either studying or spending time with my friends, but lately, studying had been taking up a much larger chunk of time. Classes were in full swing, and I spent a lot of time working on my homework each night, either by the fire in the Hufflepuff common room or at the library. 

One afternoon in mid-October, I settled into my seat in the potions classroom. Draco wasn't there yet, but that didn't surprise me. I almost always got to potions before him, even though the Slytherin common room was much closer than Hufflepuff's. As the time ticked by, I wondered if Draco was going to just skip class. That would certainly be a bright spot in my day. 

Just before class started, Draco strode into the room, sliding into his seat. Snape started giving his instructions right away, so Malfoy had no time to make conversation with me today. 

"The headmaster wants more classes to encourage cooperation between the students and the houses," Snape sneered. It was clear that he thought this idea was stupid. "As a result, we will begin doing partner work in this class. You will work the person sitting at your table. No, I do not care if you don't like your partner, and no, I will not let you switch partners. We will still have individual work, but you will be required to work with your partner outside of class, as well as in class."

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as Draco glanced over at me. He was barely holding back a smile. I would have thought he would have hated the idea of partner work, but I guess whatever makes me miserable pleases him. That, and the fact that I would now be forced to help him with homework. 

"Turn to page 153 in your books and brew the potion. You have until the end of class." Snape turned away, finishing his speech. 

I opened my book and quickly gathered my materials to make sure I would have enough time to finish the potion. Draco didn't seem to be in the rush I was in, but maybe he didn't have to be. Snape never checked his potions as closely as the rest of ours, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gives Draco extra points all the time. 

"So, Connolly. Partner work." Draco leaned back in his chair and looked at me. "I guess you have to do my homework for me now." I knew thats what he was thinking. 

"Not all your homework. Just some of potions. And it's partner work, so you have to do some of it. Snape will know if its all in my handwriting."

"But will he care? I guarantee Snape won't take points off me, even if I don't left a finger to help." I rolled my eyes, but Draco had a point. Snape obviously favored the Slytherins, but he favored Draco the most out of all of them. "However, because I am such a gentleman, I'll do some of the work."

I snorted. As if "Draco Malfoy" and "gentleman" would ever belong in the same sentence. "Wow, Malfoy," I said sarcastically. "You are so kind. How will I ever repay you?"

"You could start by doing the rest of my homework for me"

After glancing around the room to make sure Snape was't looking, I flipped Draco off. For some reason, this made him smile. "In your dreams. Now leave me alone and let me work on my potion. Unlike some people, I have to actually do the work to pass this class."


Thankfully, my potion passed inspection. Draco's did too, unsurprisingly. As class ended, Snape assigned our first partner assignment. I packed up my bag, and Draco grabbed my arm. I looked up, a look of surprise and confusion on my face. As soon as my eyes met his, Draco dropped my arm. "Meet in the library in 45 minutes? I need to get this done before Quidditch practice tonight." He smirked. "Or should I say that you need to get this done before my Quidditch practice tonight?"

"You promised to help, Malfoy!" I protested. 

He pretended not to hear me. "See you in 45 minutes." Grabbing his bag, Draco walked out of the classroom. 

I rolled my eyes and finished packing up. It was going to be a long year if I have to work with Draco almost every day. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through it. 

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