Breaking Out

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"I'll be back before long I promise! I just need to see him. It has been almost two weeks! My parent's are so unfair. I would skip class even if it weren't for Gavin. I am sick of school. Please help me just this once!" I looked pleadingly at my three best friends.

We had spent New Year's Eve watching movies that take place on New Year's Eve. My parents went to their friend's house, and returned just after midnight. Brody had a friend over, but they spent the evening playing video games in his bedroom, so the four of us had the house virtually to ourselves. I caught the girls up on the craziness that had taken place over the last two weeks. My story ended with my realization of the deep feelings I had for Gavin. Liz, in particular, had scolded me for how I led Michael on, but ultimately, they were all very understanding. They said they would have acted the same way if their childhood crushes suddenly started paying attention to them. They told me I should feel no guilt, and that it wasn't ridiculous to move back onto Gavin within days of seeing Michael. They may have just been mollifying me, but I ate it up, grateful for their reassurance.

"This once? We have covered for you several times. But, it's okay. I am willing to do it again. However, if you get caught you can't tell them we knew. My mom would kill me if she found out I was encouraging your delinquency." Marley said.

"I am in! I am always up for a little rebellion." Ashleigh cheered.

"Are you sure you want to risk this? I am sure your parents will come around eventually, especially if you listen to them more." Liz asked.

"YES! I have to see him." I pleaded. Now that I knew, for sure, how I felt, I needed to know how he felt in return.

"Alright. I'm in. What is the plan?" Liz asked me.

"Thank you guys!" I pulled them all in for a hug. "Okay," We formed a huddle. "So, I will slip out through the window once my parents have gone to sleep. That is the easy part. The problem will be getting back in. You will have to take turns keeping watch for me. Give me about an hour. That should be enough time. When I get back I will throw a rock at the window and someone will need to go downstairs and open the front door for me. Just in case the door opening wakes them up you will need to bring an extra blanket down for me so I can hide my clothes and we will pretend that we were going to the kitchen to get a snack. Sound good?"

"Just so long as you make it back before morning. I don't think I could lie to your parents." Marley said.

"I will only be gone for an hour. I promise."

Within the hour my plan was put into action. I used Ashleigh's cell phone to text Gavin to come and get me. I dug my cutest pair of faded blue jeans out of my dresser and grabbed my favorite hoodie (it was Gavin's Vandals sweatshirt) for warmth.

"Don't look so worried Marley. I promise you nothing will go wrong. I will be back before you know it." I encouraged her.

"Good luck." Liz said.

"Tell us all of the details." Ashleigh added.

I lifted the window and popped the screen out setting it quietly down on the roof. It was sprinkling out. I looked over at my brother's dormer window to make sure his light was out and slowly inched my way toward the edge. Marley let out a little gasp as I let myself dangle down from gutter and dropped onto the wet ground. When I looked up they were all at the window. I smiled and gave them the thumbs up sign.

Gavin was waiting in his car down the block. I opened the passenger door and hopped in. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Erika is having a party. I figured we could stop by and check it out."

"Okay." Still the chills, every time I saw him and it had been so long. I missed seeing his face, and his smile, all of him. I had spent the last couple of days putting Michael out of my mind. It wasn't hard to do now, now that Gavin was there. Gavin cranked up the stereo. Operation Ivy was playing. I was still learning the names of all the important "punk rock" bands. One of Gavin's missions was to try and school me in the punk rock culture. It wasn't easy.

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