Choking Hazard

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For the rest of the week all I could think about was the first meeting of the VLC on Friday night. My parents were thrilled that I was actually going to introduce them to my friends and they were only slightly disappointed that they weren't some of the girls from church.

The club meeting was almost distraction enough to keep me from thinking about Gavin. Yes, Gavin was the name of the boy who every day since he first caught me staring at him made a point of flashing me a goofy grin when he walked into the classroom. Now, that two-syllable word was stuck in my head like a tumor, growing in size and blocking out other thoughts. Marley was convinced that I had a crush on him, but I knew better. He was he was a constant pain in my neck.

On Friday morning that first week of school I walked into the overly air-conditioned home EC room. I realized after the first day that I would need to layer despite the 100-degree heat. They kept the classrooms around 65 degrees and all of the girls wearing their miniskirts and tank tops sat shivering in their desks. On this particular morning I was wearing my cutest summer dress. It was fifties style, my mom had made it for me, and flared out at the waistline. I wanted to look professional for our club meeting after school. When Ashleigh walked in she immediately began gushing over my dress wanting to know what thrift bin I dug it out of and when I was going to hand it over to her since she was clearly the rightful owner. I was nervous about Gavin walking in. I had actually fixed my hair and was wearing a little bit of makeup. I didn't want him to look at me. Fortunately, he showed up fifteen minutes late to class and had to try and duck in inconspicuously. With only five minutes left in class I thought I was going to make it out of there without any contact and then the teacher, Mrs. Anderson spoke;

"Class, next week we will begin our first cooking project. Now I know that you probably thought you would be partnered with your friends sitting next to you, but I believe in mixing things up. So, we are going to go down the roll to pair you off. This will be a week long lesson on basic baking techniques and you will be partnered for that time period minimally."

She picked up a piece of paper I assumed was the role sheet and began listing off partners. I wasn't too worried because the chance that Gavin's last name would be one different from mine seemed so slim. "Crystal Abrams and Beth Allen; John Anderson and Maria Andres" as she said their names I saw people looking around to see who their partner for the next week would be. After quite a few "A" names and not so many "B" names she said mine, "Adelaide Brown and Gavin Clark." Ashleigh grabbed my arm as my mouth dropped open. Of course his last name started with a "C" what other possibility could there be in this screwed up world?

The teacher finished reading the list as I ducked my head. I could feel Gavin's stare piercing into the back of me.

"I want everyone to find their partners and introduce themselves. Also find a kitchen so that you will be ready to work when you come in on Monday." Mrs. Anderson announced this as though it were the simplest of requests, as though she hadn't just sealed my doom.

"Don't look so gloomy Addy. It isn't the end of the world you know. It is only for one week and he is really cute. If he is dumb maybe you can just have him sit there and motivate you by smiling." Ashleigh was so positive it made me sick.

"Oh sure, meanwhile I am completely humiliated. I never should have worn this dress. It almost looks like I planned this!!" I whined.

"He is coming over here. I suggest you shape up." Ashleigh breathed as Gavin made his way to my desk.

"Well, gotta go. My partner is in the back corner over there and I don't think he is planning on getting out of his desk." Ashleigh ducked away just as Gavin slid onto the stool next to mine.

"Gavin Clark." He said extending his hand. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. It seemed to happen every time he spoke. I had to start covering my ears when I saw him raise his hand to answer a question.

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