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After school I found myself scurrying around the house in preparation for our meeting. I didn't tell my parents that we had a club just that the girls were coming over. I didn't think they would have approved of a club whose sole purpose was to find boys to kiss. My parents had very strict rules about boys and dating; first, no dating until I was fifteen and no exclusive dating until I was out of the house. Also, they did not allow dating guys who weren't from our church. It was all very limiting, but I didn't think it would ever be a problem. Growing up I always figured my first date would be with Michael when I was fifteen. I couldn't see anything past that.

"Brody! Don't touch those! They are for my friends." My obnoxious twelve-year-old brother was sneaking the snacks I had made for the meeting. He always liked to bug me when I had friends over.

"Mom will you tell Brody he can't be in here when my friends get here?" I shouted up the stairs at her.

"Brody, you know your sister has a hard time making friends. Don't scare them away." It was my dad walking in the front door from work.

"Dad. I do not have trouble making friends. I just don't want him to eat all of the cookies before they get here."

As he grabbed an oatmeal scotchie for himself he scolded my brother "Go play on the computer Brody. Leave your sister alone."

"Thanks Dad. No more for you either." I smacked his hand as he reached for another.

The doorbell rang and I ran excitedly to get it.

"Hi Marley! I am glad you found the place. Did your mom want to meet my parents?" I expected this because my parents always insisted on meeting the parents of my friends.

"Oh. I didn't offer. She already left. She is coming back to get me at ten. Is that okay?" Marley asked.

"Yep. Come sit. I set up an area in the living room." I had in fact searched for all the cushions I could find and had them organized around a sheet I laid down so we wouldn't spill on the carpet. My mom said sheets are cheaper than carpet and insisted that we use it or sit at the table.

Shortly after Marley, Ashleigh arrived and then Liz. I handed each of them a clipboard and a pen.

"I would like to open the first meeting of The Virgin Lips Club Chino Hills Division (further divisions will be established at a later date). For our first order of business: defining the rules of the VLC, I would like to open the floor to Marley." I nodded towards her "would you like to be the first to contribute a rule to be voted on by your fellow members?"

"Yes. Thank you Adelaide. I propose the first rule of the VLC be that meetings are held once a month, rotating which of us hosts with a requirement that the host provide delicious refreshments from a unique culture of their choosing."

"All in favor?" I asked. Everyone raised their hands. We took turns adding rules to the list until we were satisfied. In the end the list looked like this:

VLC Rules:

Meetings are held once a month.

Be prepared to provide refreshments when the meeting is held at your home. 

Always attend meetings

First rites include:

*Skinny-dipping in the ocean

*Bonfire and burning of any male celebrity paraphernalia

*Eating Entenmann's raspberry Danish

*Dancing with sheer abandon

Anything goes on initiation night

Initiation must be performed after every "first kiss":

Kissee must produce an article of clothing from kisser, which will go into the VLC hall of fame

Members must divulge every gory detail of any "first kiss" as well as the goods leading up to it.

Emergency meetings are allowed

We will always remain friends

Ashleigh was thrilled about the initiation. It was her idea to go skinny-dipping. Liz added the part about burning male paraphernalia; I was all for the raspberry Danish and Marley insisted on the dancing. The plan was to con one of Marley's brothers who are twins into dropping us off at the beach and picking us up again later. They were sixteen and had recently gotten their licenses. Marley's suggestion was Mateo, the sweeter of her two brothers. "So, Addy..." Marley gave me an inquisitive stare. " Now that we have all the plans laid out and rules set you can quit stalling."

"Stalling what?" I asked innocently raising my eyebrows.

"GAVIN." Ashleigh said. That word again. My heart did a tiny flip.

"Oh," I feigned indifference, "What about him?"

"Should we put him on your list?" Liz asked.


"Yes, every woman should have a list of potential mates, weighing the pros and cons for each choice." She explained.

"I love it! That is a great idea Liz." Ashleigh piped in. "Although, I am afraid my list might be a little on the long side."

"I won't have any troubles. There isn't a single man out there – except Mr. Johnson – who can hold my attention." Marley added.

"Well?" Liz asked grabbing a notepad, writing "Potentials" across the top and my name below.

"If we are really going to do this I want Michael's name to be first." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh blah...Michael sounds extremely dull and he doesn't even live here! Gavin is so dark and mysterious he makes a much better candidate." Ashleigh always chose the more exciting path when given the option.

"I don't even know him. He could be a total weirdo for all we know!"

Ashleigh squealed, "Weird is good!"

"Addy you could be right, but you won't know unless you give him a chance." Marley, always logical said.

"Just let me put him on the list to appease everyone." Liz said.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean I am at all interested." I caved. "Why aren't we making lists for everyone?"

"We don't have a talk dark and handsome lab partner like you do Addy." Marley said.

"I think I might need some time to drum up some prospects. Why don't we make some official lists at the next meeting? That should give me some time to weigh my options." Ashleigh asked.

"I don't know if it will be enough time for me, but I am game." Liz agreed.

"Meanwhile, we can all put Mr. Johnson our lists!" Marley enthusiastically suggested.

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