The Flash and the Reverse-Flash zoomed into the warehouse, with Flash pinning Reverse against a gated wall. "Not fast enough, Thawne," Barry said, before he started to beat on Thawne. "I will never lose to you again," he continued as he kept beating on Thawne. "This war between us, it ends now!"

"Bar, you got to stop!" Kara's voice lit up through Barry's ears in the comms. "Bar, don't kill him! Just bring him in!"

Barry suddenly stopped but then he knocked Thawne out with one more punch. "Get the cell ready," Barry said.


The group watched Thawne in his cell, from footage. "Hey, he can't...?" Barry started to ask.

"Phase his way out? No, he can't do that," Cisco said.

"It's the same cell we used to hold Dr. Wells last year," Caitlin said, but then Barry started to walk out of the cortex.

"Barry, where you going?" Kara asked.

"I'm going down there," Barry said.

"No, you're not," Kara said.

"The more he learns about you, the more you will alter the time line," Harry said.

"He killed my mom!" Barry yelled.

"He's from the future. He hasn't done that yet. He doesn't even know you're The Flash, and that Kara is Supergirl and you need to keep it that way," Harry said.

"You already said that his mother's gonna die no matter what we do," Joe said.

"There's ramifications any time anybody messes with the time line, and it's impossible to predict what those ramifications are going to be," Harry said.

"Barry, you caught him and you stopped him from killing Dr. McGee. That's a win," Kara said.

"This doesn't feel like a win," Barry said, but then his cell phone vibrated. "I got to go," he said before he left the cortex.


The door opened and Thawne looked out of his clear cell gate to see Cisco on the other side. "How'd you get your suit in your ring?" Cisco asked.

"Who are you?" Thawne asked.

"My name is Cisco Ramon," Cisco said.

"And we know each other well, don't we? We have a history together," Thawne said.

"You could say that," Cisco said.

"And that's all you want to know? How I got my suit in my ring?" Thawne asked.

"I want you to know that I'm the one who figured out you were back. I helped stop you. Me," Cisco said.

"And how'd you do that?" Thawne asked.

"I have powers. And I helped track you down and I put you in here," Cisco said.

"That's quite the ability you've been given," Thawne said.

"And here's what's so ironic about it. You gave me these powers. Have fun thinking about that while you rot away ithis cell that you helped me build. Bye, Felicia," Cisco said before he smiled and closed the door.

CCPD: Barry's Lab

Barry walked in to find Patty was already in there. "Hey. Got your text," Barry said.

"I wasn't sure that you would see me, considering you've been avoiding me lately," Patty said.

"Patty, I haven't been avoiding you," Barry said as he walked near the window.

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