28: Reader x Arthur Pendragon | Shy Spooks

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I think for clarification matters I'll be putting "Arthur Pendragon" for Prototype King Arthur and "Saber" for when I refer to the Fate's oh so popular female King Arthur servant XD Since I now have both in this 'book'


You really wished that things were different than they were. You were such a dunce. You were accident prone and somehow everything just seemed to draw the most awful things your way. You weren't even sure how any of those things could happen – although your servant and king told you that you were far too out of touch with your surroundings...you wondered if that was really true, or simply what he thought. You never seemed to have too much trouble before the grail war...but you definitely were having the worst possible time during its course, by that I mean now.

He told you it was fine, that he would protect you and make sure you were out of harms way. But was relying on him so entirely really okay? 

You felt utterly ashamed in your inability to take care of yourself, in even some of the simplest ways. I mean, you've been forbidden from using the stove after an accident that left you with a burn on your hand for several weeks...

Don't get me wrong, you adored your servant to no end. You weren't even sure if you had proper words to express how much adoration you had for the blonde. But you wanted him to be proud of you. That he wouldn't feel ashamed to be summoned by someone so ditzy as yourself.

So now that Arthur was in charge of most of the chores and decisions in the household, you wanted to do something nice for him.

It must be so difficult with so much on his plate...then again maybe he liked having so much to work with, he was once a King that has immeasurable amounts of responsibilities. 

 It also happened that Halloween was on its way!
You weren't sure how those in his times celebrated the great pumpkins and spooks day...but you were going to make sure he had fun!

Or so you had hoped...

"please elaborate...how did you get pumpkin innards on the ceiling fan?"

Arthur wasn't as mad as you thought he was. In fact, he was trying his damnest not to burst into a fit of laughter as you sat in the middle of the living room with half the pumpkin on your head, the rest spinning from the ceiling fan.

Tears blotted your lashes as you sniffled.

It just wasn't fair...

You did it the way you were supposed to!

Find a pumpkin, get some newspaper on the floor so there's no mess, find a pattern, draw on the pumpkin, cut into the pumpkin...take the innards out...

The blonde standing before you gently grabbed your hand and pulled you to him. Once standing before him, he began pulling the chunks of orange from your hair.

"why don't you tell me what you were trying to do, I shall help you complete the task" he said gently with a smile on his lips

You immediately looked away blush bright on your cheeks

"I can do it myself. I don't need help, thank you" you said quickly

Your saber was surprised at this sudden demeanor but nodded and would let you figure this out on your own. He did, after all, kind of just take over your entire life...which he still felt bad about – but also knew that if he stayed back and let you do it all then he'd most likely keel over in fret.

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