1: Master!Reader x Gilgamesh | Summoning

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Hiding in the bathroom was NOT something you planned on doing today...

"I wonder where the little master went..." HIS voice trailed off in an amused tone. He wasn't far off from your hiding spot, you didn't have much longer before he found you. "well, well...perhaps she has some sort of brains in her after all...she isn't hiding in her bed or closet like a child~"

This is all your brother's fault. If he didn't ditch the family last second at the call from the church...then you wouldn't have been tossed in the war out of nowhere.

Yes, that's right. You were the daughter of a magus family. Aaaand now the current and only heir. However your elder brother, er much older ex-brother (as far as the family was concerned), was the heir and as there was such a large age gap between you both...well let's just say, your family decided not to bother teaching you much of anything. In fact, your elder brother was the only one to aide you into learning some magecraft to protect yourself.

Regardless! Now you were thrown into the grail war, and tripping over the summoning circle and...okay so you had been farting around and pretty much re-enacting the goblin king scene from that old David Bowie movie but with the summoning chant instead...

So fast forward past the large bang of smoke and the man appearing out of thin air and bitching, and well, you booked it after that. He took chase and BAM! We're back here...in the....BATHROOM HIDING!!!

"honestly..." you heard him sigh your back giving out as the door was opened "if you are to be my master, little girl, I hope you have more brains than this when the enemy comes along."

The man looked down on your fallen form with disgust, although his tone was more scolding than anything. You stared up at him wide eyed from the flat of your back.

"i-i..." you stumbled out only for your voice to die away as your eyes actually roamed around his face.

His features were handsome although his face seemed to loathe your existence entirely. His eyes glared down into the very core of your being seemingly finding it lacking in every way humanly possible while his hair was permantly brushed back out of his face.

"you, what? You think? You...are incompetent? Or how about you are going to pledge your alligence to me and do as I say." It was more demand than question.

No wonder the man was a king – er I suppose is as he IS right in front of you.

"i...I am the master here!" you yelled getting up in a hurry only to stand on your tip toes to glare at the 'servant' you received as per the grail's humor. Your hands on your hips and face as close to his as possible glaring with all your might.

To this, your 'servant' smirked amused greatly, although you thought he'd only get more agitated. So the sudden chuckle rumbling through his chest

"good, my master isn't a spineless disgusting mongrel."

"wh-wait what?" you blinked in surprise

"for now you may address me simply as Archer, although 'your majesty' will also suffice" he grinned leaning back away from you crossing his arms and his eyes closing as he continued his little speech in a prideful tone "- now do as I say, when I say it woman. And we'll get along just fine. Oh, and don't try to overwrite my decisions. This grail might label the parties involved as you the master and I the servant. But one such as me does not bow to anyone."

You honestly zoned out for a chunk of the rant, hopefully it wasn't anything too important

"my name is (full name) although," you decided you'd play along "you may call me (name) or if that gets too domestic for such a great king, such as yourself, then you may simpley refer to me as 'goddess'. Oh and I don't mind listening to anything you say, whether I choose to obey or not...ehhh... we'll THAT depends on my mood and how you treat me" you grinned in triumph.

To say the king before you was baffled was...well and understatement. You smugly thought to yourself how you'd probably be the first to give it right back to him like that.

"oh, and I plan to refer to you by Archer or your true name, Gilgamesh." You laughed walking by the still possibly in shock male and down the stairs

"hey! Nobody treats the king of heroes like that and gets away with it!" he yelled grumpily then turning to gold dust to apprehend you. But not before he smirked smugly at your behaviour. All he could think was how amusing this woman, now his master, would be in this war.

Perhaps this time Gilgamesh wouldn't get so bored of the world with someone such as this so close at hand.


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