My wife smiled and said, "We don't want to have children." That was a lie. We didn't even talk about it, because we couldn't sleep with each other. But there would have been ways she could still have become pregnant.

At that time my wife was already behaving strangely. She was no longer the loving wife that I married. She was constantly angry with me, but could never tell me why.

My father then became very rude and suggested that I look for a second wife who wanted to have children. I got so angry, then I threw him out of the apartment and told him never to come around again.

Three weeks later I came home again completely exhausted. I worked a shift at the hospital and a shift at the nightclub. I was so tired, so exhausted that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

And then my wife, once again, had a bitterly unpleasant surprise for me. And it tore the ground from under my feet. Again!

I came into the apartment, my wife was already awake which was unusual for her, and she was sitting in the kitchen waiting for me. She had prepared breakfast for me and slipped me a present. She said it was already for a 26th birthday.

"Then why are you giving it to me today?" That's what I wanted to know from her.

Then she looked me in the eyes, got very serious and said: "Because then I won't be around anymore. Today I made you breakfast for the last time and gave you your last birthday present. I will leave you today because I don't love you anymore."

I felt like she hit me over the head with a hammer. My heart felt like she was crushing it with her bare hands. "Why?" It was the only thing I could figure out.

"Why? I told you. I don't love you anymore. To be honest, I haven't loved you for a long time. You never had time for me and always put work first. Besides, I can't talk to you the way I talk to others. I always have the feeling that you don't understand me at all. As if I speak another language. I have already packed my suitcases and they are already in my car. I just wanted to say goodbye to you. Have a nice life, you boring jerk!" She said. Then she got up and left the apartment.

On the kitchen table were divorce papers, her wedding ring, the engagement ring and the keys to the apartment.

I was completely finished with my nerves and didn't know where my head was. I went into my bedroom with wobbly legs, dropped on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I cried and cried, day after day. At work I pretended that everything was fine and at home I collapsed every day anew.

Despite my acting, the medical director realized that I was not well. Well, at least I was able to convince him of the opposite for a month, and he gave me a vacation. He told me to take time to process this and only then come back.

Nevertheless, I went to work in a nightclub. From then on every night. Because I needed the money. I thought if I gave my wife more money and more presents, she might come back. After all, these things had always been important to her.

But when she didn't come back even after two months, I signed the divorce papers. Because her parents were always putting pressure on me. They called incessantly and demanded again and again that I finally sign the papers.

Two weeks later I ventured out of the house again, usually I was avoiding the public and completely curled up at home. But on this day I had to get out and wanted to get something to eat at a food stall, when I suddenly saw my ex-wife!

She was across the street with a man! She had raked herself into his arm and I could see a ring on her finger. She was very happy. But her look changed when she saw me.

I wanted to run away but my legs felt as soft as pudding. She came over to me with the man and told me: "Hi Yibo. Um, this is my fiance. Imagine that he and I can have painless sex. Maybe it was because of you." And then she laughed.

Her fiancé said, "Are you crazy? Why do you say that to him?"

She grinned and said, "He actually believed for years that I couldn't have sex, because otherwise I would suffer pain. But I only said that so he won't touch me. If my parents hadn't been in debt to his father, I would never have gotten involved with him."

I just couldn't take it anymore. Why? Why must I always suffer? Why do people enjoy torturing me so much? It crossed my mind.

And suddenly I could not breathe. I fell to my knees, gasped for breath and nothing came. My ex-wife's fiancé called the emergency call in panic and my ex stared at me sincerely. "I think he's faking it." She said.

Her fiancé suddenly said to her: "And I don't think I want to marry a woman like you. What kind of person are you? He never did anything to you, your parents said themselves, he always treated you well and took good care of you. And this is how you thank him? No, I don't want a woman like that."

He sat next to me and said, "Try to calm down. The ambulance will be here soon."

And when my ex suddenly realized it, she became fucking friendly and told me, "I'm sorry, Yibo. Let me help you."

I was suffocating, my heart was hurting so badly and she wouldn't leave me alone. "Stay away from me." I gasped.

But she got even closer and started crying. "Don't scare me here Yibo. You can't just die like that."

Finally the ambulance came. Two paramedics took care of me immediately, while the emergency doctor was talking to my ex's fiancé and asking what happened.

The paramedics put me in the ambulance and supplied me with oxygen. Suddenly my ex was in the ambulance. Immediately afterwards the emergency doctor pushed my ex outside and told her to stay away. She pretended to be scared and said she was my wife and had a right to be there.

The doctor shook his head and said, "Get out of the car or I'll help you. I have just learned that you are no longer married. So get the fuck out of here before I get rough."

She got out and he closed the door. He sat down next to me and told me he was gonna give me something to relax. I nodded. My eyes were still filled with tears that the ambulance wiped away. He smiled at me and said, "That's better, isn't it? My name is Dr. Xiao Zhan, and you are in good hands with me."

I could just stare at him.

We'll continue on the next page...

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