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Thanks to my experience with my cousin, I have become more careful. And only because of this I was able to protect a cousin and her two brothers, yes, you can see I have a great relation, from abuse.

Once we were walking along the railroad tracks when a man stood there and peed. My youngest cousin was curious. The man turned around and asked my little cousin, "Do you want to see it again?" I dragged my cousin to me and screamed as loud as I could.

Instead of talking about it, they talked about one of our uncles being Bi Sexual and in a relationship with a man. I didn't care about that at all. But many of my relatives did. This was the top topic in all the celebrations. My parents, however, always just said, love is love, it doesn't matter to them with whom he is with.

A few weeks later, I saved my cousin. An older man, he was drunk, was sitting at the playground and my cousin willingly accepted candy from him. I felt the suspicion. And suddenly the man took money from his wallet, showed it to my cousin and said, "If you touch it, I'll give you the money."

She seemed to think about it seriously. The man unzipped his trousers, my cousin was still thinking, she was three years younger than me and at that time I was 13 years old, I looked around in panic for help, I saw my father and my uncle, called out for them and the man ran away.

I admit, I hit my cousin on the back of the head and scolded her for her stupidity.

In the same week we had been to the little woods, it was once a huge garden. We often went there and played. There was a rope hanging from a huge oak tree, and we used to swing back and forth on it. We played hide-and-seek in the bushes and built hiding places from discarded things.

So when we were there again, we hid in a bush when we saw a naked man. He lay down in the high grass, so we could see very little. I saw his butt moving up and down and got a queasy feeling in my stomach.

I grabbed a branch, sneaked up on the man who was tormenting a little girl. I hit the branch over his head, grabbed the little naked, unconscious, bleeding girl and carried her until we reached our neighborhood. I asked the first adult person I met for help.

It was a woman, she called the police and the ambulance. The police took me with them and I had to show them where it happened. The man was still lying there. He was still unconscious and slightly injured. The police officers arrested him. About a month later I learned that the girl was getting better and that she was recovering. I even received an award, but I was not proud of it.

Well, and when I turned 14 years old, I learned something about my oh so great family, which really tore the ground from under my feets.

I had just finished class and wanted to go home. I hadn't even reached the school gate when an angry young man came up to me and punched me in the face. I didn't know who he was or what I should have done to deserve such a thing.

He stared at me sinisterly and suddenly shouted: "You deserve much more! How dare you ask our father to go on vacation with you and your mother?"

I don't remember ever asking my father to go on vacation with me and my mother. I said, "I don't know anything about it? What are you talking about and what do you want from me?"

The guy grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, dragged me on my feet and asked me: "Isn't it enough that my mother has had to share her husband with your mother for 20 years? Is it not enough that I can only see my father every two weeks because of you and your mother?"

"What? What did you say?" I asked, confused.

"Your mother is only my father's concubine and she has no right to make any claims. And the same goes for you, you bastard."

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