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Yuki returned home, exhausted

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Yuki returned home, exhausted. It felt like the longest day of her life. So many things had happened that her brain still couldn't process everything clearly.

She saw both Rai and Ryuji sitting at the living room watching cartoons. Seiji emerged from the kitchen and untied his apron.

"You're back late today." He stated as he handed Yuki a cup of hot matcha tea.

"Yes... I'm so tired." She rubbed her temples and sighed loudly.

"How were the students? Are they still like how we were back then?" Seiji asked jokingly.

Yuki wasn't even thinking about the students but Hotaru. Should she tell her husband about her? But she had promised Hotaru that she wouldn't speak a word of this.

"They were good, I had a nice time." She replied and sipped her tea slowly.

"That's good to hear. Go get a shower and rest, I'll be putting the kids to bed soon." He told her and joined Rai and Ryuji at the couch.

Yuki turned and stared at her family. She was so blessed to have such a fine husband and two healthy children. Then she thought, if Hotaru didn't have to die, how would her family have turned out?

Again, the guilt came back. Hotaru deserved better, she really did.

Hotaru was with Haruto in his bedroom. Both were sitting at his study table doing homework.

"Do you have any siblings?" Hotaru asked the boy, who was busy scribbling on his worksheet.

"I have a younger sister. Her name's Airi." He told her, his eyes still on his work. "She's a handful."

"She must be really pretty then. Your family have really good genes." Hotaru complimented, making Haruto feel shy.

"You're very pretty too." Says Haruto whose face was now flushing.

Hotaru bursted out laughing upon hearing that. Meanwhile, Jeongwoo was standing at the edge of the door, listening in to their conversation.

Ever since Hotaru had started school with Haruto, they had always been together and left Jeongwoo out. It frustrated him so much. He was mad at them and started to feel the loneliness he once felt before when he was left all alone, his spirit lost in Japan while his family had already returned to Korea with his remains.

"Do you have any siblings?" Haruto then questioned Hotaru.

She grinned. "I do, actually, a younger brother Satoru. When he was born, I took care of him a lot and doted on him. I miss him a lot."

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