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Hotaru was having a dream

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Hotaru was having a dream. She was inside the emergency room at the hospital. It was dark and all she could see was a bright light shining down on her still body. There were surgeons on her left and right, all of them scrambling and trying their best as they tend to her injuries.

She couldn't utter a word. She was in so much pain. What's happening to me? She heard the heart rate monitor's beeping slow down, she felt her breathing slowing down as well.

As she felt herself slowly dying, there was something that she could hear very clearly, almost as if she was right next to the sound. It was the sound of a newborn baby crying loudly. What's going on? Then she hears a voice speaking:

"He will live, and she will die for him..."

Then, Hotaru woke up. She blinked her eyes open and saw a pair of eyes hovering above her. Shocked, she screamed out loud.


Shocked, Jeongwoo took a step back, his eyes widened. Haruto rushed into the room, looking around.

"What's going on?!" Haruto demanded.

Hotaru caught her breath and sat up. "H-him..." She pointed at Jeongwoo. "Y-you scared me!"

Jeongwoo hurriedly apologized. "I'm sorry! It was fun watching you murmur in your sleep."

Haruto smacked his forehead and sighed. That scream scared the living daylights out of him. Things were creepy enough right now.

"I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to scare you!" Jeongwoo bowed his head again and again.

Hotaru stifled a giggle. "Don't worry about it, uh..."

"Jeongwoo. Park Jeongwoo." He introduced himself politely.

"Ah... Jeongwoo. So you're a Korean?"

The ghost nodded.

"Is it rude if I ask...?"

"Oh, it's fine. Two years ago, I came here with my family on a trip and yeah, died here..." Jeongwoo's voice faded away as his eyes filled with sadness and regret.

Hotaru bit her lip. She felt sympathetic for the poor boy. He looked like he was about her age, but definitely was a young ghost. She could tell from his dressing that he was a boy born in Gen Z.

"Anyway, you should freshen up and change out of your clothes. Ruto and I have something for you." Jeongwoo interrupted her train of thoughts and motioned her to get up.

Hotaru was grateful that she crossed paths with them. Where would she have been if it weren't for them? The bed itself was so cozy it didn't even take her long to fall asleep.

Once she got changed into a black tee and long pants, Haruto and Jeongwoo were waiting for her at the dining table.

When she took a seat, Haruto placed an object in front of her. Hotaru stared at it in awe.

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