Bad News

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Ophelia felt strange as she braided her now towel-dried hair and slipped the dress on over her head. She wasn't used to wearing something that didn't behave like a second skin. This flowed around her and made her feel somewhat exposed. She felt like, if she needed to hide, she wouldn't be able to. Being out in the open, in this, she'd never be able to protect herself.

"All-Father," she called as she walked toward the dining area, "I'm not sure I can wear this, sir."

"No? Why not?" he asked. "Is it ill fitting?"

"No, sir. It's... it's just that if something were to happen, I'd be completely exposed. I wouldn't be able to protect you, or myself." she said, looking down at the floor.

"That won't be an issue. I promise. Just come with me, please?" he said holding his hand out with a big smile. "I even have some sensible shoes, so even if something were to happen you could still run okay?"

"Yes, All-Father," she said, trying to ignore how uncomfortable she actually was.

There was little doubt in her mind that he could feel her hand shaking as he held it. This was only something that happened when she went through the portal or needed help climbing somewhere- which honestly never happened. She tried to remove her hand from his inconspicuously but every time she tried to slightly pull away he held on tighter.

He didn't intentionally keep holding on at first, but when he noticed that she was shaking lightly and trying to pull her hand away nonchalantly, it made him smile. Her discomfort made him want to hang on as long as possible.

"We're going to my home." he said as they stepped outside, "I had the car brought around, but it's a lovely day, would you like to walk instead?"

"Is that what you would prefer, All-Father?" she asked, internally hating the idea, at least if they were in a car he would have to let go of her hand and then she could be rid of this strange feeling.

"No. It's actually quite a long walk. We should take the car." he said with a small frown. "That's alright though, I'm sure we'll have enough to talk about while lounging in my personal garden. It's very beautiful there you know?"

"Yes.Of course, All-Father." she said, as he pulled her into the waiting car.

He had to remove his hand as he leaned over her and secured her seat belt.

"Safety first." he said, fastening his own as the driver pulled away.

Ophelia turned her body slightly to have a better look at the passing trees and greenery, and so she could keep both of her hands away from James' lest one of hers be recaptured. It was a short drive, only about 15 minutes or so, and there was an eerie silence.

It didn't seem awkward or out of the ordinary. It seemed normal, which is what made it feel so strange. She wondered if he ever talked to his guards and staff. Had any of them been cured? Were she and Orion the only ones, there had to be more surely, somewhere.

"I know what you're thinking," he said, causing her to turn back toward him. "The walk wouldn't have been that far, especially not for you, but I'm old you know?"

"How old are you?" she asked, "I've never been able to ask anyone, because..."

"Yes, well you couldn't have." he said, "Not in your condition. I'm old enough to be your grandfather, great-grandfather even."

"All-Father sir? If I may, I'd like to apologize." she said lightly. "For not coming forward sooner. I don't mean to make excuses of course, but I was scared and wrongly assumed that I would get in trouble for being different. I didn't realize this was your plan. All the stories I heard about the rebels, I thought that they were actually the... 'good guys.'"

The Sapphire Pass: All-FatherWhere stories live. Discover now