After the Storm

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Indira stopped a few feet short of the gate, and ducked down. She crept toward the edge of the bushes and peeked her head around. Iago was facing her direction and nodded lightly, he took a moment to nudge James with his elbow before letting out a bellowing howl.

Indira leapt into action as Iago turned and grabbed Commander Yara, using his grip on her to kick Yew into the stone woodwork of the entryway. James sprinted past them and An'gole tried to close the door before he could get inside but was too slow. He made his way around the kitchen counter and held out his hands.

"You should think about what you're going to do here." he said in a mocking tone. "Do you know how dangerous it is to challenge a true leader?"

"Well your attempt at taking over rule will soon be put to sleep, along with your sorry existence." James said rolling his shoulders back and getting ready to leap over the counter.

"Wait!" An'gole yelled. "Maybe we can work something out instead, yes?"

"Absolutely not," James with a smirk. "One of us will die here today, and it will not be me."

An'gole screamed in rage and slammed his hand down on the counter. Laughing as the dust from dozens of crystals filled the air, he took a deep breath.

"Then you will face my wrath and bow to my will just as your betters before you," An'gole yelled, as his skin began to darken.

James jumped the counter and grabbed An'gole's head, intending to slam his face into the counter, but he flung James aside and put a foot on his chest. He leaned over pressing his some of his weight onto it.

His stinking breath washed over James as he stared into his eyes.

"You'll never beat me," he said, his eyes glowing in triumph and arrogance.

"We'll see about that," James yelled, pushing his foot and all his weight backward.

"I'll even let you live so you can see what I do to your precious human," he spat with disgust.

James stood completely still for a split second as his rage burned out of control at the mention of Ophelia. It felt like the air was heavier and An'gole stumbled back as an oppressive wave swept the room, shattering glass and booming throughout the house. As the weight lifted, the marble counter hovered for a fraction of time as the cabinets creaked open, before slamming back down and exploding the wooden island below it.

James looked up slowly, his eyes a fierce blue fire burning hotter than a million suns. The light and shadows seemed to pulse with each breath he took. He pulled the night and day in close and used it to fuel his anger as he flew at An'gole.

An'gole put his hands up just in time, blocking James from knocking him over and digging his feet in to the floor. The wall rumbled as James pushed An'gole through it with a scream. James jumped into the air, and kicked him in the face, sending him tumbling and rolling through the grass. He ran closer, kicking An'gole in the ribs as he rolled, briefly lifting him into the air.

When An'gole finally caught his breath he stood up and ran as fast as his girth would allow toward James. He almost missed, but managed to grab his shirt. It didn't slow him down, but it managed to turn him slightly giving An'gole a chance to catch his arm. He swung a heavy fist connecting with James' stomach and knocking the air out of him.

It only made James angrier and he flipped himself around and landed behind An'gole taking out his feet with one swift kick to the back of his knees. An'gole allowed himself to fall and caught James' leg, throwing him as hard as he could toward the side of the house. The house shook as he slammed into it. He was dizzy for a split second, allowing An'gole to get up and race toward him.

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