Repair, Rebuild, Reset

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Ophelia woke up to the afternoon sun that blazed through the window. The events of the previous night flooding back in waves. The death and destruction that took places was unfathomable to her. She'd seen death before, when her partner Othello died, but she couldn't comprehend the carnage that took place with it this time.

She sat up, ready to tend to James but he was gone. She jumped up, getting dressed as fast as she could and ran from the room to find him. She slid into the kitchen and stopped just short of James who smile at her.

"Good morning," he said, wincing as she hugged him.

"You were supposed to be resting," she said, trying to usher him back to bed.

"I'm really fine, I promise. Just a little sore. Besides we're planning." James said gesturing to Iago, who sat at the table with a plate of food and several stacks of paper.

"Planning what?" she asked, picking up several diagrams and looking over them.

"We're planning out how we're going to fix the world." James said.

"So you found a cure finally?" she asked hopefully.

"In a way," he said, "We'll discuss that later. First we have to deal with the rebels, and our home. Do you think you could work with the builders to get that taken care of?"

"Okay," she said slowly, forcing a smile. "I guess I'll see you tonight?"

He nodded, pointed to one of the papers, immediately talking softly to Iago.

She felt dejected. Relegated back to back to insignificance, when just the day before she was the one taking care of everything. James' dismissal hurt more than that. His words, made her feel a pain in her chest that she didn't know she could feel.

She took the elevator to the lobby and started walking back to their home to clear her head. It was already the late afternoon, and she wasn't sure what she would find when she returned. As she walked though, her mood improved. She might have a small job in the grand scheme of things, but she was going to do whatever she could to make the house better than before. She was going to make it amazing and show James that he needed her for all the important things.

Before she made any plans she looked at all the damage. The kitchen was completely destroyed, and the broken windows had scattered glimmering shards across the wreckage. Cleaners, builders and a place to work. She'd also need a couple plumbers and electricians to fix everything.

She called the office to have two cleaners and a trash truck delivered and began to sweep the mess up. She wasn't sure how everything else got so bad but she decided to remain on the ground floor, sweeping everything into piles until the cleaners delivered and started removing all the debris. She was happy to see that the main supports were fine so the cleaners could work on the upstairs as well.

With that being taken care of she made sure the garden was watered, despite the glass that littered it, while the builders put tarps along the exposed walls. Then she sat down and started to redesign things. Her mind was swimming as they explained possibilities, and the way they could bring her ideas into the world.

This must be how James felt about his music. It made her want to make all these shapes real. Once she finalized what she wanted done she ran back to the apartments. She could help make the buildings they need for the rebel families and people, if James would let her. She might have been a bit overwhelmed at the idea of doing so much on her own before, but she definitely didn't want him thinking that she was too week and unable to handle anything at all.

She stopped off to speak to the widows on the way back. They thought they would be imprisoned at the least, An'gole also told them if they ever harmed him they would die immediately from the bracelets he put on their wrists. The fact that they were still alive and allowed to go anywhere, and do anything never occurred to them.

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