Begin the Bloodbath

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"Is this some kind of new joke?" the king inquired, a genuine trace of amusement playing on his lips. Seated upon his ornate throne, he graciously granted the pope an audience. His attire was exquisite, consisting of a tunic lavishly adorned with delicate gold threads along its sides. Draped across his shoulders was a luxuriously soft cape fashioned from the pelt of a slain beast. Although his visage appeared youthful, his loyal guards were well aware that he was approaching his thirties.

Despite his regal opulence, the king was renowned for his humility among those within and around his realm. In spite of his kingly stature, he regarded himself as a man first and foremost. He never hesitated to extend a helping hand to those in distress, readily disembarking his carriage to aid a fallen lady. Yet, this noble act unwittingly spawned a peculiar trend, with ladies "falling" every time his carriage passed. Subsequently, he ceased this gesture to avoid being the catalyst for such mischievous charades.

"If it is indeed a joke, it's quite effective," he mused, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Your highness, if you would kindly listen..."

However, even the king's humility had its limits. King Killian of Asterin was not a man who placed his faith in ethereal deities. Although he allowed the church to practice their beliefs, he himself believed solely in the diligent toil of humanity. He was a man of practicality, who relied on tangible results.

Alas, he was once a good king...

The saga began in the aftermath of a territorial conflict, a harrowing war that erupted between the kingdom and its neighboring realm, the enigmatic and nameless dominion of the demons. Rather than bestowing a proper title upon their lands, the denizens simply accepted being referred to as "Demon Country" by the populace.

Motivated by an insatiable hunger for power, fueled by sweet encouraging words from the church, the human king dispatched his forces to engage in warfare, blindly fixated on “safeguarding” the lands his forefathers had laid claim to.

Little did he realize that this decision marked the inception of his undoing.

The demons, resilient in their defense, emerged victorious from the conflict brought to their doorstep, thus unveiling a new, formidable ruler to lead them, born from the chaos they themself wrought.

Moreover, the king's audacity further ignited the ire of the ancient dragon Thaumiel, as he brazenly encroached upon the creature's sanctuary to establish his encampment throughout the year-long strife. And so, Killian, the human king, found himself overwhelmingly outmatched by the circumstances he had foolishly courted.

Suddenly, a soft voice, like a gentle breeze, rudely jolted the king from his deep contemplation.

"Um...hello?" the voice delicately penetrated his consciousness, accompanied by the presence of a radiant maiden adorned with a halo and mystical wings. Clearly burdened by some quandary, she unwittingly interrupted their solemn gathering.

Realizing her unintentional intrusion, the maiden rapidly apologized before quietly shutting the door she had entered through. The king and his retinue were left stupefied, their minds struggling to comprehend the ethereal sight that had confronted them. They blinked in disbelief, momentarily questioning the veracity of their own eyes.

"Your Highness, do you still believe my words to be mere jest?" The pope's statement resounded in the room, urging the king and his astonished guards to reconcile with the reality before them.

"She is undeniably an angel, both in appearance and in heart," the pope continued, reaffirming his conviction. He had borne witness to her celestial essence firsthand and bore conviction in his words, after all.

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