My Turn: Power Trip.

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We walked into the school building, occasionally stopping to speak to friends and teachers that we hadn't spoken to since 2013 and to wish them a happy new year. When we got to out set of lockers I was tapped on the back of my shoulder. When I turned around I saw Chanel and Brianne, two of the many friends Bash and I made here. Chanel was white with long, curly brunnette locks that went to her lower back. Brianne, though, is Spanish and black with long kinky curly hair that went to her belly button. I squealed and brought them into a tight group hug. "Hey boo!" Nel said. "How've you been?"

"Good!" I said back. "Y'all?"

"Girl," Bri drug out as she shook her head, "me and Rico at it again." She rolled her eyes. Rico was her boyfriend that she'd had since freshman year. They're your typical "on-off" high school relationship.

"Oh really?" Nel asked. "I done walked past his locker and he was sayin' y'all was okay."

"Well that's not the case." She sighed. "He and I had sex for the first time a couple nights ago and he's tellin' his niggas about it."

"Oh please," I scoffed to her. "Rico's friends ain't shit. All they gonna do is hype him up to feel like he's the man. The only people you need to worry about spreading y'alls buisiness are Kameron and Pryce but they ain't even here today."

"Still!" She fanned her face, indicating her face was getting hot since we were standing under a heat vent that was pumping ninety degree air. "He shouldn't have told our business. That's for him and me only."

"Bitch we all tell each other about our sex lives. Why can't he do the same?"

"Because they're guys and they're gonna say something to damn near everyone in some way! You know all these niggas here are cool with Rico so he's bound to say something to someone."

The tardy bell rang and we all walked in the direction of our chemistry class. Sebastian kissed my lips and walked in the other direction to his statistics class. The girls and I walked in and Mrs. Reynolds sat at her desk, reading a book I know is a romantic novel. Chanel went and sat with her partner, Rico's friend Christian, while Bri and I sat with each other in the back of the class room. "Okay class," Mrs. Reynolds bellowed, closing the classroom door. "Happy New Year!"

We all cheered because we knew we were going to do something fun in this class today. Mrs. Reynolds is the type of teacher to allow you to do whatever as long as work gets done. She reached under her desk and pulled out large jugs of chemicals.

"First thing," she smiled. "everyone get your beakers and hot plates ready."

We all got excited because we never have to do written lab work in this class and always work with the chemicals in a hands-on fashion. When all the materials were passed out we immidiately got to work mixing the chemicals with the dry ice and baking soda. About thirty minutes after our class started, Rico and his friends, Kameron and Pryce, waltzed into the classroom. I rolled my eyes when Kameron licked his lips hungrily at me, flashing his braces and tongue ring. He was sexy no doubt but he was about sixteen months too late; Bash was all I had my eyes on.

After class; at lunch.

"-Then that nigga said, 'come at me!' and I said 'aight then nigga, run up!'. He ain't say shit to me today, though." Pryce's friend, Dylan said about some guy he was planning on fighting in the parking lot after school.

"Aye, Punk." Bash said from next to me, breaking my train of inner thoughts. "Wassup? You good?"

"Yeah, just ready to go."

"Let's leave then. They don't give no fucks 'bout us no way."

"I don't know, I just meant-"

"C'mon baby. You know Aug ain't gon' find out, so let's just bounce."

I sighed. "Okay."


I unlocked the door to the loft and Bash carried in six or so shoe boxes. After he talked me into ditching school for the rest of the day he'd taken me shoe shopping and bought me Jordans, Loubotins, amongst a whole shitload of other stuff. He plopped them onto the floor of my bedroom and fell on top of me on my bed. He lay his head on my chest, and fell asleep with light snores escaping his mouth. I took off his Last Kings snapback and ran my fingers through his tiny curls. He groaned, "Stop that."

I smiled and kissed his head.
Just when I was about to drift off to sleep, I heard August yell:

"Alisha and Sebastian! Y'all done skipped school ta'dey and thought you won't gon' get caught?"


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