My Turn: F***kin' Problems.

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There's never been a day where I'm not grateful for Dad coming to get me and allow me to live with him in his lavish life. But what I'm not grateful for, is meeting these people that I know I have no business being around - espicially when King isn't with me.

"So I heard of King's recent admittance to the hospital upon very unfortunate circumstances." says the Don in front of me.

Yes, I was meeting with the Mafia.

"Send him my well wishes."

"I will. Thank you." I reply.

"Now let's get to business." He snaps his fingers. "You've got a hit on your family if I'm correct?"

"Yes sir. And King's family too."

He nods curtly and grabs the binder from his henchman's hands. "Leave us." He tells them and they scatter like flies. He flips open a page in the binder and points his chubby index finger on a photo. "This your man?" his New Jersey accent radiates off of him as the Cuban cigar never leaves his mouth.

I look at the photo.

It's Sebastian and Kam and someone else I couldn't quite make out.

"How old is this photo?" I ask.
For as long I can remember, Sebastian never liked Kameron. So why are they pictured together?

"I'd say about a month or two." He puts the cigar on the table's ashtray. "Listen to me, doll. You don't have no business in this here operation. All I'm sayin' is, you ain't safe. None of your family is as long as King is out of the game. You're gonna need me."

"And what's the catch? Surely you're not going to offer to kill our rivals for free."

"Ah, you're smart. You're reliable. I like that about you." He smiles a bit and strokes his black beard. "But no. No price, no fees. Just think of it as... a present from your Uncle Khaled."

I chuckle. "Are you sure?"

"Honey, look around! I don't need any money or drugs. I've got the keys to all of that right here. All I want for you is your family's safety."

"Okay." I sigh in content.

I knocked on the door of the hospital room, opening it after I heard a faint "come in". "Hey." I smiled, walking closer to the bed that King was laid up in.

"Hey, gorgeous." He patted the spot next to him on the bed and I hesitantly sat down. "How'd the meeting go?"

"Alot better than I thought. He's a nice guy." I shrugged. "He offered to help us with taking out Sebastian and his "crew"."

"There's a "crew" now?" He asked, sitting up slighty. "How is there a "crew" if that nigga shot me?"

"Well, it's not just him— it's Kam and some other guy, too."

"Kam? Like, Kam Kam?"

"Yes, idiot." I rolled my eyes. "Kam Kam."

He chuckled. "So what'd he say he was gonna do? How's he gonna help us?"

"He just said he'd take care if the problems we're having."

"Well, of course, he's not just gonna get rid of our issues for free; there's obviously going to be a price."

"He said to think of it as a gift."

"As a gift, my ass." He scoffed, cracking his knuckles and moving his legs a bit so that I could lay down on his lap. "There is no way in hell that he would put in all that work for some fuckin' "gift". That man knows what he's doing."

"Is he still going to handle it?"

"Oh yeah, he's gonna do it still, no doubt. But it's not some— some gift. This is basically a loan, in a way." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Something he does for us, but in return, we're indebted to him."

"But he said it wasn't like that."

"Yeah, it's not like that now." He retorted. "It's not gonna be like that until he needs a favor."

"So what? We don't trust him?" I was confused. King and I, as well as the rest of our families, needed the assurance that we'd be safe. And as far as I know, this "Uncle Khaled" could be the pathway to our safety from Sebastian, Kam, and whoever else is conspiring to kill us.

"I'd say that we should keep a watchful eye on him and make sure he's not up to something sketchy." He said quietly. "Because the last thing we need is for someone to flip the script on us again."

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