My Turn: Baby!

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The next morning Alisha woke up with a monsterous grin on her face. She looked up at her love, seeing him cradling her in his muscular arms. He was tightly holding her as if he were terrified to let go. His mouth was slightly parted, small snores escaping. She gently removed his arm to get out of the bed when an arm grabbed her wrist. "No, stay." he mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Give me a few minutes." she said tiredly.

"You get forty-five seconds, and then I'ma fight you."

She rolled her eyes playfully, and as if he could see her-- "Roll yo' eyes again before I rip 'em from the sockets."

She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Only stick it out if you're putting it to use."

"Ugh," she groaned in disgust.

"You now have fifteen seconds."

"I didn't know you were counting!" she exclaimed, and threw the nearest pillow at him. "You're a dick."

"No, baby. I have a dick. You were gonna get some of it last night, but I went to dinner on yo' shit, so.."

"It was amazing." she shivered as the feelings from last night came back. "I felt like I was on cloud nine, like I was cared for. It made me feel like-"

"And zero seconds. Getcho lil' ass back in this bed."

"But I have to pee."

"Better use one of Royalty's diapers." he gripped the front of her PINK shirt, and pulled her face first onto his chest. "Night night."

"Alisha!" Heather yelled from downstairs.

I set down my curling wand before answering. "What?"

"Come here!"

I walked down the stairs to the living room, where there were hundreds (literally, hundreds) of balloons scattered around the floor. "Um.."

"Oh, those? That's for the baby shower. Trell doesn't know what the baby's gender, so we're gonna have everyone guess."

"Hm." I said quietly. "And why did you need me?"

"Can you go make me food?"

I chuckled. "Sure. What do you want?"

"Pickles and greek yogurt."

I scrunched my face up and walked to the kitchen to make what she asked. In the midst of doing so, a shirtless King came up behind me. "Good morning." I said with a smile.

"It sure is, baby." he noticed what I was making and looked at me funny. "You pregnant?"

"No, nigga!" I laughed. "This is for Heather. Go give that to her."

He groaned and walked into the living room and came back, while I sat down on the seat at the island. "So..." he trailed off. "How'd you sleep?"


"And you woke up okay?"


"You aren't sore or anything?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Cool." It was quiet for a few seconds after that. "How was last night for you?"

"In a word? Exhilarating." I laughed nervously.

"Foreal? Damn, I did good."

"Well, it was good until I basically pissed on you."

He laughed loudly. "Baby no. You squirted, that's a good thing. I think it is, at least."

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