My Turn: Throwin' It Back.

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"Good morning, pumpkin!" she said with her contagious bright smile. "How's my baby today?"

"I'm okay, I guess." I replied tiredly.

"Well, get on up, you've got tutoring at eight o'clock." I looked at the clock's blue lights; 6:49 am, it read.

"Ugh." I groaned, falling back into the covers.

Her voice rang from her bedroom. "Get up, Reneè!"

"I'm up, jeez."

I dressed myself and did my usual morning routine and met her downstairs for breakfast; chocolate waffles, bacon, and eggs. Her iPhone started to ring, and she looked at the i.d. and scoffed before answering it.

"What Trey?" there was mumbling on the other line.

"That's none of your concern."

"Whatever, just know you owe me money." she hung up.

We both scarfed the rest of our food down, the went into her Taurus to start the day. She turned on Ed Sheeran's The A-Team, and sang every word.

Her favorite song.

We pulled up to the Mathnasium, and signed in. Jodie, my tutor, came in through the employee's lounge and sat at my table.

"Mommy?" I asked her. "Are you gonna leave?"

She adjusted the cap on her almost bald head and smiled, saying, "No, honey. I'll never leave you. No matter how this goes, I'll always love and care for you." she bent down and kissed my forehead.

And then I woke up.

My eyes flashed open and tears ran down my already sweaty face. I sobbed loudly as a pair of arms pulled me to them. "It's okay, boo." she said. "I'm here."

My breathing got more shallow and my inhalor was handed to me. I took two puffs of the inhalor then sat it next to me. "Th-Thank y-y-you." I managed to say.

"You're welcome. I know you don't like me that much but I'm not going to leave you in your time of need."

My vision soon cleared and Tanaya was standing in front of me with nothing but Daddy's t-shirt and some sweatpants.

"I-I'm sorry for being mean."

"I forgive you, boo. I lost my mom at your age so I know how I felt and I don't want that for you." she began, "And I also know how it feels to have a stepmother or have your Dad bring a random woman home. I've been through everything you're going through, sweetie, and belive me, it'll get better."

I nodded. "Thank you."

She chuckled. "Don't thank me, boo. Just know you've got a friend in me. I'm not trying to steal your Dad or ruin your relationship with him by being here. I genuinely love your Dad and he does me."


"Now, go back to sleep. It's five-thirty, and we're going snorkeling at ten."

"Wait!" I exclaimed a little too loudly. "Can I confess something to you?"

"Yeah, scoot over." I scooted over in my bed, and Tanaya made herself comfortable, laying against my head board with her mug of hot chocolate resting in her hand. "What's up?"

"Okay, so you know how Daddy and Uncle August don't get along anymore?"

"Yeah," she said. "he told me that August was spending too much time with you and wanted his daughter to spend time with him."

My Turn.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum