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"No! Move away, you two!"

"Come back, Katsuki!"

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" doing my best to stretch my arm towards the boy while moving forward even though the air is pushing me harshly away but then, I was struck with darkness.


"P-please n-no." a man said, crawling, desperate to get out of the dreaded situation. If God was real, and would grant him a wish as of the moment— he would definitely wish to go back in time and not accept the job that was offered to him a few hours prior.

As he pleaded again and again, the person he was talking to stalked him slowly with low gurgling noises. He couldn't feel his legs anymore as he bath with his own blood, his vision coming in and out and his breathing ragged. The pain he is feeling couldn't be measured and is very unbearable. He just wanted a little taste from a young girl as a reward but then look how the tables have turned— with one last effort, he looked back at the monstrosity.

 He just wanted a little taste from a young girl as a reward but then look how the tables have turned— with one last effort, he looked back at the monstrosity

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Red blood horns that matched the monsters' red blood eyes, the thing on her back slither around her body as it growl my way, and with that—

It devoured.


Feeling the sensation of free falling, squinting from the brightness as I used a hand to cover my orbs to make it adjust. Turning my body around as I noted that I'm falling on a Landslide Zone instead of the Conflagration Zone, gritting my teeth from the unknown scenario shift as I activated my Quirk— with overall transformation, I clawed my lower back as arrows made from my blood slither to life. Bracing for impact as some of the arrows wrapped my body while eight of it makeshifts into what it seems to be like a spider legs to protect my body from the recoil. Gritting my teeth when my body collided with the ground as I bounced and rolled downhill until it came to halt. Withdrawing my arrows as I lay on the ground, panting while staring at nothing in particular for a good while.

Mizuki was beyond exhausted from the constant anxiety and unwelcome thrill that's been happening to her every since she came back to life. And now the first encounter with the group that would eventually kill her finally happened and words can't describe how anxious and unstable she is as of the moment. But if there's one thing she wanted to change is that to prevent her beloved's guardian from getting destroyed. No, she didn't saw the process of Shota getting beaten to pulp by the Nomu but she sure as hell would prevent that. She needed to prevent that. God knows what would happen if she ever saw it, she would never forgive them. Never. Mizuki was too distracted by her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the Villains that slowly near her way until she felt chills. Like a cat splashed with water, Mizuki jumped out of the way right on time as the ground turned icy cold. The arrows made from her blood slither to life in pure reflex as Mizuki gritted her teeth from the sting it caused coming from the on-the-process of her healing flesh.

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