Ressurection + Reboot

378 8 1


Hey guys lol

I know I'm the worst person alive.

I get it ok.

I know.

I forgot about this creation and I've just taken notice that we're at almost 110k reads! How amazing is that?

Y'all didn't think that I could just leave you hanging right? I would never!

So, anyway, here I am almost 4 years after creating my beautiful story.

So now, im going to be frank,

It's ending soon.

Yeah, I know, it's sad, but it needs to happen, ok? Jashton 4ever but it's gotta have an ending.

So the question is-

Do y'all want a smut chapter?

Because I can do that if it's what you want, alright. I did fall off the face of the earth and the least I can do for you horn dogs is give you what you want.

lol im just kidding about the horn dogs part, but for real, leave me some comments and I'll get to it.

I love you all so much, thank you for putting time into my little dream :-)

Talk to you soon!

- ash <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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