Chapter Eighteen

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"Lover of mine, I know you're colourblind

I watched the world fall from your eyes,

All my regrets and things you can't forget

Light them all up, kiss them goodbye."


S.H.I.E.L.D. Chalet. The Austrian Alps. January 30, 2015.

You stared at the new file folder open on your desktop before typing one single word.


You had consolidated every file, folder, and document related to your and Jessica's investigation into your sister's death. Their presence on your laptop was too painful. A reminder of all the time you had wasted. A reminder of the grief you had shoved down for years because accepting the truth was unthinkable. A reminder of the hope you had lost. You knew Hunter wouldn't want you to wallow in grief. She had always wanted the very best for you.

You weren't going to delete the files; you couldn't bring yourself to do that just yet. But, you needed them out of sight. You had to grieve her death properly this time. You had to let go.

"Hey, Bucky," you called from the dining room table.

You heard him round the corner, "Yeah, doll?" he said.

"Can you come here a second?"

"Sure, what's goin' on?"

You gestured to the computer. "I have put everything regarding Hunter's investigation into this folder. I need you to come up with a password to lock it, and don't tell me."

"Okay, but why?"

"It's just too painful of a reminder."

"You sure, doll?" He placed his hand on your shoulder.

You nodded. "I'm sure. I'll put it on a flash drive and put it away." You stood up from the chair and turned away from the table. Bucky took your seat and typed in a password.

"Done," he said, turning to face you.

Tears stung your eyes as you turned around. Bucky stood up from the chair and held out his arms. You wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your forehead against his chest. Bucky kissed the top of your head and held you. After a few moments, you pulled away. Bucky kissed your forehead before you moved to sit down at the computer once more. Bucky stood behind you; his hands rested on your shoulders.

You breathed a laugh, "You're too good to me, Sarge."

"I can be even better," Bucky said with a hint of mischief behind his eyes.

You cocked your head quizzically. You watched him head into the kitchen and open the freezer, taking out a pint of your favorite ice cream. He opened a drawer and grabbed a few items you couldn't make out. He turned away from you, obscuring his movements. Once he was finished, he turned out the lights and made his way back to you. He carried two spoons and the ice cream carton with a lone birthday candle. Your eyes widened in surprise. The light from the candle flickered and danced across his chiseled face. It lit up his smile. He sat the carton in front of you.

epiphany.   (Bucky Barnes x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن