Chapter Seven

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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual violence and implied/attempted sexual assault

"I think I'm going nowhere like a rat trapped in a maze

Every wall that I knock down is just a wall that I replace

I'm in a race against myself I try to keep a steady pace

How the fuck will I escape if I never close my case?"


East Village. NYC. April 2014.

Rain pattered on the awning over the entrance to Luke's bar. You flipped up the collar of your new black trench coat as the wind blew the rain sideways. After finding a hotel, you and Bucky found your way to a department store and purchased new clothes. "I will never take clean underwear for granted again," you thought. You noticed Bucky checking his watch for the 10th time in the past five minutes.

"She'll be here," you assured.

"She's five minutes late," Bucky expressed.

"She'll be here," you asserted, "Don't worry." The wind picked up again and you scooted closer to Bucky. During your review of the Winter Soldier files last night, you discovered Zola's version of the Super Soldier Serum much like Erskine's serum made Bucky's metabolism burn faster, and therefore his temperature was higher than normal. He was like a space heater.

"Cold, doll?" he smirked.

"This damn rain makes it worse."

He chuckled softly. "Hopefully it will stop by the time we get to Brooklyn," Bucky said looking up at the clouds.

"Where do you want to go first?" you asked.

"We could try to find my old apartment building. See if it's still standing."

"Sounds like a good idea."

You heard footsteps approach. Bucky's hand automatically went to the waistband of his jeans where he kept one of the SIG-Sauer P226, he had taken from the Triskelion. You turned and noticed raven hair sticking out from under a hoodie and an iconic black leather jacket. You touched Bucky's arm, stilling his movements.

"You're late," you smirked as the figure made their way under the awning.

Jessica pushed back her hood and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Had to make sure the documents were up to par," she sniped. She pulled a manila envelope out from under he jacket and handed it to you.

epiphany.   (Bucky Barnes x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن