Chapter Fourteen

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" Pull me close I feel the water reach around my neck

Don't let go just show me that there's better days ahead

Make me see how I'm only half the person I should be

Pull me close set me free from this gravity."


The Austrian Alps. June 2014.

Pine trees flew past your window as Bucky drove the "borrowed" car up the mountainside. You had managed to find an SUV with 4 wheel drive in a car lot with no cameras close to the train station. Bucky had made quick work of the wiring while you switched the license plates. With your teamwork, you were out of town within the hour.

"It should be just up here," you checked the map. "According to Clint's notes, there is a hidden driveway coming up on the left."

"I haven't seen another car for miles, no trailheads either," Bucky said, slowing down slightly.

"That's good news." you scanned the roadside. "There it is," you pointed to a well-hidden driveway. Bucky turned down the small unpaved road lined with pine trees, giving it the appearance of a lush green tunnel. It was 5 miles before the tunnel of trees opened up to a clearing revealing a wood chalet resting on a sheer cliffside. it's heavy roof gently sloped toward the ground, almost melting into the landscape. An uninterrupted view of the valley below rested just beyond the safe-house. Snow-capped mountains rose out of the ground to the east and west. "Just a "nice" view, Dad?" you snorted.

"Well, we shouldn't have a problem with anyone sneaking up on us," Bucky said, his eyes taking in the view. He was just as mesmerized as you were.

The plan was to leave the car running in case you needed to make a quick getaway while Bucky unlocked and cleared the house. Bucky pulled his gun from the waistband of his jeans and opened the car door. You moved over the center console into the driver's seat.

"If there is any trouble, don't wait for me, just get out of here," Bucky said, checking his gun. You handed him the notebook with the S.H.I.E.L.D. safe-house security codes, your fingers brushed, a slight shiver went up your spine.

"I'll decide what constitutes trouble," you said. You knew he wouldn't leave you if it were the other way around. You smiled. "Good luck."

Bucky gave you a slight smirk and nodded. He stalked towards the house, gun raised. You watched as he punched in the code to unlock the garage and then another to open the door. He disappeared inside. Your hands gripped the steering wheel as the minutes ticked by. Your gut churned.

After ten minutes, you readied your gun and taser disks, only to look up and see Bucky waving you in. Once safely in the garage, you exited the vehicle, returning your gun to your ankle holster.

Bucky shook his head, "You were gonna come in after me, weren't ya?" He opened the back door to grab the bags.

"You would have done the same for me," you retorted, nudging him in the ribs with your elbow, as he handed you your laptop bag.

"True." He nodded in agreement.

"How's it look in there?"

"I think you're gonna wanna see it for yourself, doll."

A small entry hallway opened up to a large open room containing the kitchen, living room, and dining area. Warm wood lined the walls. A modern wrought iron chandelier hung from the exposed beams Plush furniture decorated the space with no shortage of throw pillows and blankets. A large stone fireplace was the centerpiece of the room, stretching from the floor to the ceiling.

epiphany.   (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now