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{Confession #2}

Yeah, of course, life isn't all bed of roses. All of us needs to experience a fucked up life and learn how to live with it and stand on our own.


As Kook and I reached the hospital I was immediately met by a warm hug from Jin hyung.

"Uh, hyung? Is something the matter? And why are you at the hospital anyway?"

Jin hyung not looking at me held me tightly than before. The confusion was clear on my face.

'What the hell is happening?'

"Tae." Hyung's voice was trembling, the sadness was clear in it.

'I don't feel so good about this.'

I glanced towards Jungkook and he looks clueless as well.

I averted my gaze as a doctor walked out of a room with an unreadable look on his face.

"Sir Kim, I'm sorry." Jin hyung held a hand over his mouth trying to stop the hiccups escaping it.

"Sorry? For what?" I looked from Hyung to the doctor back and forth.

"I'm not catching up with this conversation at all. Can someone please explain what the hell is happening?" I demanded.

"T-the crash, Mom and Dad, they were."

"W-what, you mean the crash from earlier? Mom and dad was.." I wasn't able to finish my statement as tears continuously rolled down my face.

'I-i can't believe this... They were okay when they left, why are they lying here now?'

"T-this isn't fair, this isn't fair at all." I walked slowly towards their room trembling.

As I walked in there I saw two bodies lying lifelessly on the bed. I can't stop the tears from falling all over again as I held both their hands.

I stayed there for a while longer until Jin hyung called me out. I looked like my soul just drifted away from, the shine from my eyes were gone.

I stood their silently until Jungkook held me tightly as he soothed me with his words while rubbing my back.

"It's okay, I'm here. We're here, you're not alone." I hugged him back as I refrained myself from crying again.

*End of Flashback*
Me and Jin hyung held a funeral for our parents not long ago. It was hard to cope up these past few days but I didn't let it affect my studies. This is the only thing I can do to live up the expectations of my mother and father.

They were the best and I love them very much. They were my light and my path, my mom was always there to help me and my dad to protect me.

'Well, I should get used to this.'

I walked around the neighborhood and decided to walk further until I reached the playground Jungkook and I played with long ago. It was a bit worn out since it's been standing for how many years and held the memories the both of us created as kids.

I went straight towards the bench. I actually wanted to ride the swing but it looked like it will give out anytime soon so I better not.

I sat there thoughts flying everywhere. I just looked at nothing in particular feeling the peaceful silence.

"Taehyung? It's a surprise to see you lurking out here."

I looked back to see who was talking and saw Jungkook going towards me.

"My legs just kinda brought me here."

It was silent for a moment as Jungkook sat with me at the bench.

"It's been a long time since the both of us got here again together." I said breaking the silence.

"You're right. It actually feels nostalgic."

"Do you still remember our promise?"

"To stay together forever? Of course I do. I won't ever forget about it."

'So you do remember, I thought you already forgot about me.'

"I miss talking with you like this. Sharing our problem and dealing with it together, it feels like we're as to what we were before."

I looked at him as he looked back at me. Our eyes locked and no one dared to look away.

"I-I love you Jungkook. I have been for a long time now."

Maybe it was because of the mood? Or perhaps the fast beating of my heart that led me to make the stupidest decision in my life.

His eyes widen in shock similar to me.  The shock was too much for the both of us no one dared to move an inch.

The heavy droplets of rain woke us from our strance and Jungkook pulled back immediately anger visible in his face as he was about to say something.
But came to a halt as we heard a small tud from the distance.

And there I knew, I really am fucked up and it's all my fault. No matter where you look at it you'll be coming right back to me and blame me.

It broke my heart as I saw a tear rolled down his face as a visible look of betrayal painted it.

"I-its no- J-Jimi-"

I tried to push myself and explain but I can't seem to construct a proper sentence. Jimin turned around walking away faster and faster until he decided to just run away as far as possible.

Jungkook kept on calling him but he never turned around again. He looked at me with much hatred as he said the words that as of now I truly deserve.

"You're the worst you fucker! It's all you fault! I don't want to see your face ever again. Don't even dare or I will kill you myself!" He blurted that to me with no sign of guilt. He left me there still frozen from what happened.

"T-this can't be happening. I-i never meant for this to happen, i-it was- my body, it just moved on its own I-i." I was trembling as my tears camouflaged with the rain.

"I'm sorry, I really do *sobs* you're right it's all my fault."

"I need to make this right." Despite the tears falling on my face I ran as fast as I can to catch up with the both of them and say that it was on me. It was all on me and that I regret doing it.

As I reached the intersection, I took a swift turn but stopped as a bright light blinded me and a long honk of a truck was heard.

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