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After feeling the pain, that's when you realized it was already too late.

Today's Saturday so there are no classes, and here I am stuck in our house with nowhere to go and bored to death.

I shuffled from my bed and headed downstairs seeing my big brother cooking something.

"I won't question why you're cooking even though we just finished eating a while ago."

Jin hyung looked at me briefly continuing his cooking.

"~sigh~ I kinda miss mom and dad."

"Don't worry they'll come back soon just let them have some fun once in a while." He said his back still facing me.

"Yeah, I just hope they'll come back soon I want to cuddle with Mom. It's been so long."

"What are you? A child? You're already turning to an adult and you still crave mom's hugs?"

"Well, there's nothing more comfortable than being in the warmth of my own mother."

Jin hyung just shook his head turning off the stove.

"Anyway I'm done cooking you can eat some if you want. I'll be in the living room."

"Aren't you going to open up your shop today?"

"I'm a bit lazy, I'll just open up on Monday."

"What's the use of creating the business in the first place."

I walked back towards my room to sleep the whole day, as I lay down my phone started to go off. Looking at the caller ID I immediately answered it.

"Kookie!" I beamed with happiness.

"Hi Tae, do you wanna hangout?"

"That would be perfect! I'm so bored I need an air breather."

"Great! Let's meet later at 2."

"Ok then, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later."

I can't stop the smile that crept over my face from my overwhelming excitement.
Taejun's POV

"Do you think Tae will love this?"

"Of course he will honey, he loves everything you give to him as long as it's from you."

"You're right I just miss both of our babies so much."

"I know, I do too. But we're going home now."

"Will they be surprised that we went home uninformed?"

"I'm sure they will, they missed us as much as we miss them."

My wife just smiled adoringly looking at the present he got for Taehyung.

'Calling all passengers boarding from New York to Seoul.'

"Oh that's us, we should get going."

" I can't wait to go home."

I smiled at her as I carried some of our luggage.
The happiness I felt was overwhelming that I forgot all of this was temporary.

Once Jimin comes back it'll be the same as before. An on going cycle of my one sided love.

But that's for the future to ponder, what's important is now and I'm gonna make the most out of it. At least I get to experience a little bit of joy despite all the pain I encountered with my unrequited love, maybe before I completely give up and set him free though he was never mine in the first place and it was just me who thought he was.

'Flight 930 from New York to Seoul crashed, 180 passengers was found dead.'

"That's tragic." I whispered to myself as I looked at the television from where I'm sitting.

"What are you looking at?" I looked at Jungkook briefly.

"It's nothing, I just got a little interested about the news."

"Hmm, are you done eating? Should we go now?" I just nodded my as we headed outside and continued to hangout.

The day passes by quickly and it's time for us to go home.

"Kookie, do you want to have dinner with us? Well Jin hyung's at home so he'll probably cook a lot even though it's just the two of us."

Jungkook looked at me for a bit and nodded.

"I guess it's fine, I kinda miss his cooking, it's been a while."

We continued our walk home while talking about different things and eventually reached out front door.

As I opened the door I was enveloped by darkness and was met by complete silence.

"That's strange, did Jin hyung go somewhere?"

"Is hyung not home?"

"Yeah, I guess sorry kookie he told me he'll stay home for today."

"Nah it's okay."

"Well you can still stay for dinner I'm sure hyung left something for us to eat."

"I'll just stay in the living room then."

I nodded and walked straight to the kitchen. As I rummaged around to find if some food was left but it was unsuccessful.

"Did he just leave his own brother and let him starve?"

I was about to call him when I noticed a note was placed by the fridge.

'Go to xxx hospital, I'll explain everything later.'


"Look, I'm really really sorry. But Jin hyung left a note and told me to go to xxx hospital. I think it's urgent so I really need to go, I'm really sorry."

"No it's okay and I'll accompany you to the hospital. It's late so it's a bit dangerous."

"Thanks kook."

He just smiled lightly as we ran out of the house and called for a cab to go to the hospital.

'I hope this isn't something serious.'

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