Chapter 3

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Brian took me to this new club downtown. It look pretty wild even for me.

"Let's take shots and dance later." I told him. My skin was itching for some reason like I couldn't wait for what was to come.

"The usual? Until one falls." I'm a happy and easygoing when I'm drunk and Brian just turns child like. It's hilarious actually. He looks like my son and I'm the mother that spoils her son when we get wasted.

"So how are we doing this? Salt, tequila and lime or something else?" I asked him.

"Traditions are not meant to be broke lil cous." and with that we started to drink. after about 10 shots we went to dance only to have two strong men come and drag Brian upstairs.

"Wait for me at the bar Blair. You hear me. Stay at the bar." He sounded serious but as the great cousin that I am I needed to make sure he is okay.

Walking upstairs I heard him talking.
"I don't have the money right now but I promise I'll pay you soon." he sounded afraid. I couldn't help it I walked in planing on kicking whoever was making my cousin sound so small.

"Cousin who are this men?" He looked at me. I was pissed.

"Blair I told you to wait for me at the bar." oh he is scared.

"What you got yourself into this time?" I asked him worried.

"He owes us money." a handsome man came to my view. he had the deepest blue eyes I've ever see. I couldn't look away. All I wanted to do in that moment was run to him and kiss him, touch him, and just be with him. What's happening to me?

"Lil cous, Go and wait at the bar for me." Brian order me again but I couldn't move. "Blair." he yelled at me causing me to jump in surprised. The handsome man growl at him making me giggle.

"MINE" what a sexy voice he has.

" So *cough* how much does this idiot owed you?" I asked him. He was smirking at the obvious affect he has on me.

"Why??? Are you going to pay it for him??" He was still smirking. He came over to me and whispered how much my cous owes him.

"What?" I looked up at Brian, only to see him looking down at the floor. "You are so dead." a devilish smile appearing in my face. What alcohol does to you. Sexy here chuckled at my words.

"Blair aren't you going to help me?"

" You shouldn't have asked for money specially an amount that you obviously can't pay back." I'm pissed at him. Yes we do have money but after what happened last time our parents cancelled our account and the money we get from them was reduced. All of that was done to prevent this from happening. You see Brian has a gambling problem.


"There are no buts and what the hell am I supposed to do to get you out of this mess. Sell myself to this sexy god like of a man to pay off your debt." I asked him amazed.

"I don't know. You are smart you can help. You know you won't live in peace knowing that you could've saved my life."

"Stop being such a drama queen." I rolled my eyes at him. Someone coughed somewhere in the room. Handsome whose name I still don't know looked like he just won the lottery while the other two guys smirked at him and me. The other two were just as muscular but maybe a little less.

"I can propose you a deal." I nodded for him to continue.

"You give me 24 hours to spend with you and his debt will be payed off." Yeah right.

"NO." It was Brian who spoke this time.

"What's the catch?" I asked ignoring my idiot of a cousin.

" Didn't you hear me Blair I said NO, N. O. NO."

"I believe you are the one that didn't hear. Whether I go out with him for a day or not to save your ass its up to me." I love my cousin and he was right I'll do anything in my power to keep him save.

"There is no catch. I swear. I just want to get to know you, Beautiful." He winked at me.

"Deal." Ok I know I'm crazy to go out with someone I don't even know his name but I feel safe and somehow I know that he wouldn't hurt me. He smiled at me.

"Lets make it official than." I said while extending my hand to shake on the deal. Instead of shaking it he grabbed my hand and kissed it. SHOCK!!! I felt sparks, or more like my whole entire body just had a magnitude 7 earthquake. They all chuckled except for Brian and I.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon than."

"NO." I said before I could stop myself.

"And why is that?" He asked somewhat disappointed but I could still see a little bit of anger.

"First of I don't know your name yet and secondly we have a family reunion tomorrow plus I will probably have a hangover and I don't know what I'm going to wear." I mumble the last part so that only I could hear it but apparently they still could here it.

"You don't need to worry about clothes. You look beautiful in anything. I'll pick you up in two days than and as for my name..." He walked closer to me and took my hand in his again.

The electric shocks were still there but I tried to ignored them this time. " I'm Ian." he whispered in my ear. I shivered at his closeness. He kissed my neck and I let out a quiet moan that I hope no one heard. He pulled away and kissed the hand that he was holding.

He was about to walk away when I grab his wrist. " Do you want to dance?" Really Blair. You are being force to go out with the guy and here you are trying to spend more time with him. He smirked. "I will love to." Yay!!! He is going to dance with me. I might have forgotten about the other people in the room but who cares.

"Lets go then." I smiled wider at him pulling him downstairs. I grabbed his hands and placed them to my hips as I moved them to the beat. "Mmmmm" he moaned into my ear.

I wiggled my hips pressing my behind to him. Ian had me on fire. He kissed where my neck and shoulder met making me moan from the pleasure. This type of behavior is so not me but with Ian everything seems to be so different. It's like I've known him my entire life. We danced for a while and I've never felt so alive.

"BLAIR." Brian looked pissed. He is like my big brother and still believes I'm a little girl. Annoyed I turn around to face him. Ian still had his arms wrapped around me with his nose press to my neck breathing me in just like Matty does to Christy.

"What do you want???"

"It's time to go home." he glared at Ian.

"You go on first. I'll be home in a couple more hours." I don't know why but now that I know how good it feels to be embraced by Ian I don't want to leave his side. It's like an invisible pull that keeps me by his side.

"NO. You are coming home with me right now and that's final." he grabbed my arm and pulled me forcefully away from Ian. I couldn't even say bye to him.

We were almost out of the club when the same men from before stopped us from walking any further.

"Ian." I saw him walking towards us. I pulled my arm from Brian's hold and almost ran to Ian. He smile at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Leaving without a goodbye, beautiful." He asked softy.

"I wanted to but the idiot took me away before I could." My voice came out childlike. I glare at my cousin.

"Blair you don't even know him and yet here you are." He gesture to the state we were in. We looked like a couple. A couple that have been together for a while and I don't know if it was the alcohol or not but it did felt like that.

"This is your fault you know. If you didn't owned him money maybe I wouldn't have met him." I fired back at him but men am I glad he owed him money.

He was quite after that.

"I'll see you in two days beautiful." I pulled away and looked into his eyes. There was an emotion in them that I couldn't describe. I smiled at him pulling him in for yet another hug and without looking back I walked out of the club.

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