Chapter 22

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"Brian. Brian. Brian." I kept screaming his name over and over again as if with my screaming he would appear.

"Beautiful, please calm down. Its not good for the babies." Ian was trying to calm me down but I couldn't. Not when my brother is missing.

"I need to go find him. Please let me go. I need to find him." I pleaded but all I got from Ian was the opposite. His hold on me tighter and I just kept screaming trying to get out of his hold until I gave up and felt asleep.

Two day later......

"You can't keep me here." My voice sounded almost robotic like, no emotions.

"If I let you go. I could lose you and the babies. I can't lose you, beautiful." He sounded sad.

"I need to find him, babe. My family needs me." I pleaded again.

"And I need my mate and pups to stay alive with me." he said also tired of our fighting. We haven't stopped yelling at each other since he restrain me to the bed.

"Please, you can't keep me here all my life." I argued. "Where are my parents?"

"They are being kept in their room as well." the fuck. "Pure bloods or not you are my mate and they are threatening your safety." He stood up.

"Please." I pleaded again. I can see he was battling with himself.

"I can't." he started to walk out of the bedroom but before he could close the door I yelled at him.

"I hate you."

The next day............

Last night I could hear him howl in pain and I'm sorry I told him that. I would take it away if I could but I can't.
He didn't come back after I told him I hated him.

"Ian." I almost jumped from how happy I felt but to my disappointment it wasn't him.


"I was order to let you go." he took of the chains and I was free to go and find my brother.

"Who order you to do this?" I asked curious.

"Alpha Ian."

"Where is he?"

"His office." I didn't have to be told twice as I ran to his office and walked in without knocking. He was seated on his big chair. He looked tired.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Why did you decided to let me go?" I asked walking around the table.

"I can't have you hating me." his voice breaking at the end.

"I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it." I sat on his lap. "How can I hate my own mate?" I smiled at him with watery eyes.

"I love you, Alpha Ian but I also love my brother and right now I'm the only one that can help him." he hugged me and buried his face in my chest.

"I know beautiful. I'm sorry too." We stayed like that for a while just holding each other. "don't." he said.

"Don't what?"

"Don't say it." I looked at him confused. "You will come back to me."

"What if..." I was silent by his lips kissing mine forcefully.

"No if." he pulled back just for a second and then his mouth was back on mine. Slowly we pulled apart and he rested his hands on my belly while we both looked down at his hands. "Take care of mommy for daddy." His voice sounded broken.

"I'll take care of them just like they will take care of me like they're supposed to." He looked up confused.

"Supposed to?"

"Yeah, I read in one of the books you keep in the secret room that the twins will give me strength and make me more powerful." I explained.

"Which book?"

"The one that writes by himself."


"Yes, I was looking through the book when out of no where he erased the content of the page then he wrote what I was looking for."

"The destiny?"

"More like a prophecy."

"It's not a prophecy, beautiful." he simply said while wrapping his arms around me and snuggling to me.

"Let's forget about it for a moment." I whispered taking his face in my hands and bringing his lips to mine. "Make love to me, as if it were for the last time." he growled at my choice of words but did as told.

Slowly but surely he made love to me on his office desk. I want to remember him forever even in the next lives.

"I should be going now." I said quietly as he kissed down my naked body towards my belly. He looked up sadly.

"Come back to me, beautiful." he caresses my cheeks and leaves a gentle kiss to my lips. So simple yet so powerful.

"I will." I give him a small smile with a nod. "Now I need to see my parents."

"I'll take you to them myself." he said while we got dressed. Holding my hand in his we walked down the hall to the other side of the pack house until we made it to my parents room.

"I don't think you should come in there." I told him.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"My dad is very angry at you right now."

"I'm not afraid of him."

"Oh I think you should." I insisted but like the Alpha that he is he opened the door and walked in only to be thrown across the hall into the wall.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He was furious, bright red eyes that match his face, half shifted into his wolf and a deadly tone. He was about to attacked Ian again when I decided to make my presence known to him since it seems like he could only notice Ian.

"Daddy." that always calms him down. Just like it always happens he looked to me and his face completely soften, the red left his eyes and he was fully human again.

"Sweetheart, are you alright? Where is your brother?" He asked me and pulled me into a hug.

"He went missing three days ago."

So, Brian is missing. Will Blair's delay in looking for him have an effect??

Hope you guys like it.

Thank you for reading.

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