Chapter 32

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Blair POV

The world disappeared in that moment. I only saw him. He looks like he hasn't shaved in a very long time. Was he as worried as he looks?

"Beautiful, you had me so worried." He said kissing my lips again. I missed him so much. My mate. My protector. The father of my children.

"I missed you so much." I voiced out my thoughts.

"I missed you more." He said tearing up. My big bad Alpha is a softy for me.

"I thought I wasn't going to be able to..." I started to say but he stopped me by putting his finger to my lips.

"But you did and now you are safe and no one will ever hurt you." He said protectively. Caressing my cheek he lean down and pecked my lips again. Someone on the room clear their throat breaking our little bubble. It was Ben. That's when Ian went all alpha on them.

"You all have some nerve trespassing into my territory." he growled. " And you I thought you would have protected your sister a bit better then letting trespassers near her." He said through clenched teeth looking at Brian. To my surprise they just smirked at him and Brian looked pissed.

"How naive are you?" Billy.

" Just like his father." Beth.

"You are one to talk. She is your mate and look at how she is." Blake.

"How cute!!!!" Becca.

"We are not trespassing." Bella said.

"Who's fault is it that they were able to get in here undetected." Brian.

"Where are Alpha Tyler and Luna Cathy?" Ben said. A room full of Lunas and Alphas isn't so pretty.

"Will you all shut up." I said bringing their attention to me. "Where are my parents, babe?" I asked wanting them here.

"First they need to be escorted to the cells." Ian said.

"You will be making a huge mistake." Brian said smirking.

"And why is that?" Ian asked.

"Because they are our kids." Dad said emotionally looking at all of us in one room. I could tell that he was about to cry and mom was sobbing trying to hold it together. Trying being the key word.

"Dad!!!" My sisters and I said while my brothers said. "Mom!!!"

Everything happened so fast. One moment they are just standing there and the next we are all in a huge group hug with everyone crying their eyes. Everyone with their walls down. We experienced that bloody night again. To much sadness, tears, my own memories flashing before my eyes. I could remember my first years again but specially that day.

I remember Ben playing with us. Bella reading to us because she wanted us to be smart like her. Blake and Billy carrying us on their backs as they pulled pranks on the others. Beth making weird faces but mostly smiling. Becca laying down on the blankets between us showing us that we need to some times take a minute and do nothing.  Mom and Dad taking turns on feeding us, changing us, talking to us about how much they loved us. Some of those memories weren't ours but it felt us if they were. We were to young. Still we could remember that day with our own memories.

That wasn't the only thing that I could remember. I also remembered Richard and Wes taking care of us. Protecting us. Suffering with us. 

After a long time of crying and holding each other we just stared at each other.

"You did it." Dad told Brian and I. "You both saved our family." The badass alpha I know had tears of joy running down his cheeks. "I'm so fucking proud of you all." He pointed at all of us. "My kids and my mate are my greatest treasure. This moment right here is what kept me going all those painful years." 

"Thank you moon goddess. I can finally breath again with all my kids alive." Mom said still a bit out of it.

"Mom are you okay?" Bella said noticing too.

"Yeah. Best I have ever been in the last two decades or so." She said but I mind linked the doctor, who was over joyed when he heard my voice.

"Luna. I'm glad that you are awake. That means that the treatment worked." Treatment? I thought.

"Thank you. But now I need you to check my Mom." I said smiling but worried. He looked at my mom and got to work immediately. Checking her blood pressure and other things. He then give her a pill.

"Luna Cathy's blood pressure is a bit high but the medication I just give to her should do the trick and bring it down to normal." Dad was holding her and caressing her hand tenderly. "Now Luna I need to check you. You might be a pure blood she wolf but I need to check that everything is healing properly." He said with authority. I nodded.

After checking me with everyone in the room and making sure I was healing right I asked the question that I had been dying to asked. "What treatment were you talking about Doctor Mendes?"

"When Alpha Brian brought you in you were unconscious and you were losing a lot of blood. We tried doing blood transfusions but your body rejected it. You went into Cardiac arrest but we managed to keep you with us long enough to use Brian's blood." I was shocked.

"Why did his blood worked?"  

"He is the closest sibling you have by birth. Also you are both pure bloods." I was a bit confused." Your blood has mutated. It has been improving from your parents all the way to you." That made a lot more since. "That's why when I tried using normal werewolf blood your body rejected it."

"Thank you Doc." I said tired.

"There is nothing to thank me for. Just rest so that you will be back on your feet in no time." He said smiling kindly and left.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Mom asked me.

"I feel numb and my head hurts a little."

"Who did this to you?" Dad growled.

"They are dead now, daddy." I said with relief.

"We should let you rest." Blake said and I couldn't agree more.

"Yes, I think that will be best. Brittany will show you to your rooms for now." I said nodding to the girl by the open door.

"We"ll be back later." Brian said.

"If you need us just called for us, kiddo." Ben said kissing my forehead. After they all give me a kiss they left and Ian came back in. He had left while we were all bonding.

"Come here." I patted my bed and hold the covers up so that he can come and lay down with me. He did as I wanted and I snuggle close to him. Breathing him in. No words were spoken. There was no need for them. Right now the only thing that we needed was each other and that was exactly what we got. After a while we both surrounded to the tiredness and felt asleep in each other's arms.


Hope you guys liked it.

Thank you for reading.

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